π¨WARNING - Crypto Is Addictiveπ¨
Crypto is a Drug!
It should come with a warning.
- Be aware of the Gospel of Greed
- Dont marry (your Bags)
- Dont argue with the fanatics
And above all π¨Do not buy the dipπ¨.
Crypto is a fΒ·*ing adrenaline rush, no matter how much you have invested it will make your blood boil and your skin crawl at times.
Oh how I will miss that, maybe I should stay a little invested and not sell, sell, sell, everything to that greedy bunch of retail degens.
The Smell Of Profit In The Morning
How I love to open up my portfolio while I am doing my morning dump.
It will make or break your day, but at least you know what kind of mood you are in.
Crypto for me has been a wonderful 5 year party, and it ain't over till it's over.
But I do see the first signs of the dawn creaking and that means I need a plan to get out of this mental institution.
Yes, itΒ΄s a looney farm, and escaping is not that easy, trust me I tried.
Be warned Dear Reader, if you do not have an escape plan, they will keep you.
They will keep you tied to your bags.
They will make sure you do not let them go.
They will explain that this is the real world and you might miss out on your staking rewards.
Or worse that airdrop that could give you complete financial freedom if this coin does a 1000X
Did I get your attention?
Attention Please
Good, and sorry I did not mean to shout that loud virtually. But you gotta listen
Please keep staking.
Please keep airdrop farming.
Yes, you missed out on the real opportunities like 18 months ago, but who knows, maybe itΒ΄s not too late.
Maybe you are still early???
Hell no, you are not early!
If my 76-year-old mom is talking about crypto you are the Elon to the Bitcoin party. And if you do not get that joke, where were you last cycles?
Please keep listening to those who tell you about huge APRs, Big airdrops, and a life funded by passive income.
Because I need some more exit liquidity.
Just To Be Clear:
I am not saying you are late.
I am not saying you should sell.
I am a Baby I do not do Financial Advice.
All I am saying is that you should have a plan.
Because crypto does not come with a warning.
And buying the Dip is an Addiction or A-diption if you are trying to be funny.
And I am hooked.
Hooked on that feeling, of an easy 30% gain.
I have trigger fingers itching to execute....
I am a trained professional when it comes to buying the dip.
And I need to quit!
I quit smoking.
I quit drugs!
All I have left is crypto, very little Sex, and rock&booze.
And now I am telling myself to stop buying the dip.
What type of person am I?
I am the type of person who gave himself 3 years to buy the dip.
I bought every dip since April 2022!
If you think I am lying....
Because you are like the wokies, you are 100%
I got out at the top in November 2021, the smartest thing I ever did in crypto.
When BTC hit 40K in April 2022, I started buying the dip again.
That was THE worst idea I have had in crypto, well that and buying SAFEMOON to prove that it was a scam.
To Buy or Not To Buy The Dip
The answer to that question is easy dear Reader.
Just ask yourself the following?
When did I get in, how long did I have the opportunity to buy the dip?
If the answer is:
1 Month - Buy The Dip
6 Months - Slightly late but the dip will make you a nice profit
1 Year - Ah the halving folks, you got in just before the March pump, and I guess you did not sell in March....
Mr T has a name for you but anywho if you did not sell in March booohoo. You can still buy the dip, if the dip keeps dipping.
But anyone in the space for over two years, why the hell do you want to buy the dip?
Why did you not buy in September 2024, or September 2023? Or even when I bought the SBF BTC Dip in 2022?
If you have been here throughout the Bear Market, why buy on the way up?
Buddy, what is wrong with you?
You have seen the bottom, right?
Now....look back down...can you see the bottom still?
ItΒ΄s a long way down!
So what were you doing when Crypto was at its Bottom?
If you could have bought the bottom, why would you now buy a dip?
Oh, you did not buy the bottom.
You are one of those?
If that is you, please be my guest and buy the dip.
The Plan
But if you used the bear market to think about your exit strategy, execute, execute, execute.
I know some of you donΒ΄t like to hear that but I am keeping it real. And fortunately, some people actually enjoy that.
Let me tout my own horn:
And trust me she is no newbie anymore.... just like I ain't a baby anymore...bear markets make soldiers.
This great guy gets it. Of course he does, he has been with me in the trenches for years.
Selling is hard work!
Making money does not take brains, keeping your money does, because once you have it...there is an army out there to take it from you!
How Am I Doing?
A month ago I started executing my plan.
I planned to sell everything in my Bitvavo Portfolio by the 5th of May 2025 (05.05.2025)
Since I started selling 4 weeks ago my 36 coins portfolio has done a 2X.
I planned to DCA out 16% each month by selling into the pumps. If a coin does 30% on a day I sell some, if they are near their ATH I sell some more.
Last week I was halfway:
First Months Results
I failed, I am only at 11%, which proves my point that selling is hard work.
It is not just press sell, itΒ΄s about what coin, at what point in the cycle, and how much. But that my friends with short attention spans is for next week.
Previous Chapters
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I love that Lenny Kravitz tune, after selling, will you be buying back higher? My last buy was at 95k..
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Thanks for the pick.
Yes I will buy the bottom in 2027 if BTC follows trajectory 70% down from Ath should land us between 50 and 70k
Good luck with that strategy. Looking forward to seeing you execute your strategy in the next months. Love that tune.
I heard that time playing in my head when I wrote the sentence I had to add it.
I am definitely trying to stick to my strategy. I just am so curious how close it will get me to what I expect to get out.
But it's an awesome journey
I'm still on the fence if I am going to just hold or maybe sell a bit and then wait for the dip. It's a tough call to be honest. I remember back in 2017 when I first started getting into crypto. I brought it up to a couple of old friends and one of them said something to the effect of "isn't crypto evil? Like a sign of the end times?" Pretty funny eh?
I do not plan to buy the dip but it will be Brutal I think we will see a 40% drop on most ALTS that ran last 14 days. I have put in a few buys just for fun but like I said it took me 4 weeks to sell 10% at a peak.... I don't need more I need less ALTS
Then you really shouldn't be selling any BTC!