Hive is not a democracy, never was, never will be, doesn't pretend to operate on that model.
It's dpos and it takes a handful of people to make the arguement, because the stake based system is geared to investors. It operates more closely to a corporation than a democracy. I know you didn't use the word democracy, but I thught it was interesting that you seem to think the stakeholders should react to the talking points and discussion.
Stake rules, doesn't make them right, or smart or good or bad for that matter, just means it takes a handful of them to outvote the rest of the community.
In a corporation usually takes 1. Shrugs, if you know it's DPOS the only thing to judge is whether or not you trust and respect the stakeholder.
Right, which is why we can't get the masses here. Decentralization is a dream that's touted, but not practiced. Hell, by @edicted's defintion of it, the US Gov is decentralized. As for a democracy? None exist nor ever have. That's doesn't mean things shouldn't be talked out with as many heads involved as possible. Also, your point doesn't mean that anyone has to roll over and shut up without a fight either.