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RE: Costo capitalizado (Serie: Semillas financieras. Artículo 11)

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Again, you are not getting the point. If "it does not matter if the content was manually reworded/spun or by using a spinning tool."?, why did you even mention it in your first replies? Be careful about what you write. Again, this is a summary study guide taken from the book I use with my students as the main book for Economics Engineering at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, with contributions on my side that I have already explained in my previous replies (rewording of some content to make it more clear, solution of proposed problems that are not solved in the book, etc.). It is logical that a summary guide of this nature has re-worded parts so that my students can better understand the concepts. If I wanted to write a completely original and innovative scientific paper, I would do it in the American Economic Review, not in Hive. I am the author of the blog I published in Hive, but as I said before, it is a study guide, with the book I mentioned included there as a reference and complement. I have not published this article anywhere else if that is what you want to know. My Twitter? It is @luishbc317. My Instagram? It is @vision4s; but again, I have not published this summary guide there. Regards, bot!


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Guys, I had a publication yesterday in My Stories in Instagram and I did it with the #Hive in my Twitter as well. But, after the conflict, I left all the WhatsApp and Telegram groups associated with Hive where I was included and deleted my stories because what you did was offensive. Best regards.

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Here you are my post published in Twitter (right after publishing it in Hive Ontober 31st, 2024), as I did all the time with posts I published in Hive first: a reference to the link in Hive:

In Instagram, I had a similar reference but I deleted it from my stories becasue of the incident. Regards.