Elon Musk interviewed Donald Trump on X, while the EU tried to interfere with a personal letter to Musk to abide to EU regulations (Digital Services Act) aka "censor" content that is regarded as harmful by the EU.

in LeoFinance7 months ago (edited)

Einen Tag, bevor Elon Musk Donald Trump auf X interviewte, hat die EU-Kommission Elon Musk einen langen Drohbrief geschrieben. Die Plattform müsse sich an die EU-Regulierung (Digital Services Act) halten und "schädlichen Content" entfernen (das Risiko für schädlichen Content "einschränken").

Explizit erwähnt werden auch die Proteste in UK und das Interview mit Donald Trump, obwohl diese Ereignisse mit der EU nichts zu tun haben. UK ist aus der EU ausgetreten, nicht mehr Mitglied der EU.

Deswegen werfen einige User auf X der EU unzulässige Einmischung in den US-Wahlkampf vor 😂

Meinungsfreiheit inkludiert nicht das Recht Falschinformationen zu verbreiten oder Menschen zu Straftaten zu animieren. Das ist auch wieder wahr.

Aber das Dilemma ist, wer bestimmt, was falsch und richtig ist? Allzu oft werden die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit dazu missbraucht, unliebsame Meinungen zu zensurieren.

Deswegen denke ich, man sollte die Meinungsfreiheit auf Social Media so liberal wie nur irgendwie möglich auslegen.

Auch das System von Community Notes, das Twitter/X eingeführt hat, um Falschinformationen mit Richtigstellungen zu annotieren hat sich in der Praxis bewährt und ist meiner Meinung nach ein guter Kompromiss. Der Content bleibt online, aber die Community kann Dinge richtigstellen.

Stellt euch vor Elon Musk wäre woke und würde Kamala Harris interviewen. Dann würde es den Aufschrei der EU-Kommission sicher nicht in dieser Form geben.

Was sagt ihr zum Drohbrief der EU-Kommission just vor dem Interview mit Donald Trump? Dreiste Einmischung der EU-Kommission in den US-Wahlkampf oder legitime Warnung an Elon Musk, Content im Sinne der EU-Regulierung (DSA) zu zensurieren, um EU-Bürger vor Falschinformationen zu schützen?

EU Commission writes threat letter to Elon Musk to abide to the Digital Services Act (DSA), censor / mitigate "harmful content"

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Transcript (Letter of Thierry Breton, EU Commission to Elon Musk)

Thierry Breton

Brussels, 12 August 2024

Dear Mr. Musk,

I am writing to you in the context of recent events in the United Kingdom and in relation to the planned broadcast on your platform X of a live conversation between a US presidential candidate and yourself, which will also be accessible to users in the EU.

I understand that you are currently doing a stress test of the platform. In this context, I am compelled to remind you of the due diligence obligations set out in the Digital Services Act (DSA), as outlined in my previous letter. As the individual entity ultimately controlling a platform with over 300 million users worldwide, of which one third in the EU, that has been designated as a Very Large Online Platform, you have the legal obligation to ensure X’s compliance with EU law and in particular the DSA in the EU.

This notably means ensuring, on one hand, that freedom of expression and of information, including media freedom and pluralism, are effectively protected and, on the other hand, that all proportionate and effective mitigation measures are put in place regarding the amplification of harmful content in connection with relevant events, including live streaming, which, if unaddressed, might increase the risk profile of X and generate detrimental effects on civic discourse and public security. This is important against the background of recent examples of public unrest brought about by the amplification of content that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation.

It also implies i) informing EU judicial and administrative authorities without undue delay on the measures taken to address their orders against content considered illegal, according to national and/or EU law, ii) taking timely, diligent, non-arbitrary and objective action upon receipt of notices by users considering certain content illegal, iii) informing users concerning the measures taken upon receipt of the relevant notice, and iv) publicly reporting about content moderation measures.

In this respect, I note that the DSA obligations apply without exceptions or discrimination to the moderation of the whole user community and content of X (including yourself as a user with over 190 million followers) which is accessible to EU users and should be fulfilled in line with the risk-based approach of the DSA, which requires greater due diligence in case of a foreseeable increase of the risk profile.

As you know, formal proceedings are already ongoing against X under the DSA, notably in areas linked to the dissemination of illegal content and the effectiveness of the measures taken to combat disinformation.

As the relevant content is accessible to EU users and being amplified also in our jurisdiction, we cannot exclude potential spillovers in the EU. Therefore, we are monitoring the potential risks in the EU associated with the dissemination of content that may incite violence, hate and racism in conjunction with major political or societal events around the world, including debates and interviews in the context of elections.

Let me clarify that any negative effect of illegal content on X in the EU, which could be attributed to the ineffectiveness of the way in which X applies the relevant provisions of the DSA, may be relevant in the context of the ongoing proceedings and of the overall assessment of X’s compliance with EU law. This is in line with what has already been done in the recent past, for example in relation to the repercussions and amplification of terrorist content or content that incites violence, hate and racism in the EU, such as in the context of the recent riots in the United Kingdom.

I therefore urge you to promptly ensure the effectiveness of your systems and to report measures taken to my team. My services and I will be extremely vigilant to any evidence that points to breaches of the DSA and will not hesitate to make full use of our toolbox, including by adopting interim measures, should it be warranted to protect EU citizens from serious harm.

Yours sincerely,

Thierry Breton

Cc: Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X

Interview Elon Musk with Donald Trump on X


One day before Elon Musk interviewed Donald Trump on X, the EU Commission sent Elon Musk a long threatening letter. The platform would have to comply with EU regulation (Digital Services Act) and remove "harmful content" (to "mitigate the risk of harmful content").

The protests in the UK and the interview with Donald Trump are also explicitly mentioned, although these events have nothing to do with the EU. The UK has left the EU and is no longer a member state.

That is why some users on X are accusing the EU of undue interference in the US election 😂

Freedom of speech does not include the right to spread misinformation or incite people to commit crimes. That is true.

But the dilemma is, who decides what is right and wrong? All too often, the boundaries of freedom of speech are abused to censor unwelcome opinions.

That's why I think freedom of speech on social media should be interpreted as liberally as possible.

The Community Notes system that Twitter/X introduced to annotate false information with corrections has also proven itself in practice and is a good compromise in my opinion. The content remains online, but the community can correct things.

Imagine Elon Musk being woke and interviewing Kamala Harris instead of Trump. Then there would certainly not be the outcry from the EU Commission in this form.

What do you think of the EU Commission's threatening letter just before the interview with Donald Trump? Is it brazen interference by the EU Commission in the US election campaign or a legitimate warning to Elon Musk to censor content in line with EU regulations (DSA) in order to protect EU citizens from misinformation?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Das passt da ganz gut ;-)
Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-13 um 11.36.28.png

Genau so ist es! Plus "Eintreten für Demokratie", also ob alle Nicht-Regierungsparteien automatisch antidemokratisch seien :)

Der Musk lässt sich ohnehin von der EU sicher nichts vorschreiben. 😉

"Meinungsfreiheit inkludiert nicht das Recht Falschinformationen zu verbreiten"
Strengenommen schon, denn die Medien tun es ja auch laufend, auch Politiker (z.B. die "nebenwirkungsfreie Impfung").
Habe noch nie gehört, dass irgendein Politiker aufgrund von Lügen bestraft worden ist.

Looks like Musk feels that Trump will win the presidency.

Der Brief ist einfach nur lächerlich.

Ich finde, X ehemals #Twitter hat sich seit der Übernahme von Elon zum Besseren entwickelt, und an der Comment Spalte wirke ich aktiv mit und finde sehr hilfreich.

Manche Fakes enttarnen sich so in Sekunden.

Natürlich ist aber das System von #Hive die bessere Alternative, hat sich nur noch nicht rumgesprochen!

Something is really telling me that Elon musk is suspecting that trump will be the winner

hmm does it mean that EU is not in favor of Donald Trump? that would be unfair if they just protest because of the interview.

Diese ganzen Regulierungen sind nur ein Vorwand für noch mehr Kontrolle und Zensur. Jede Meinung die außerhalb der von der XY-Behörde bestimmten "Box" ist wird als Falschinformation gelabelt. Die Clown-Show geht munter weiter.

Geile Sache! Höre das Interview gerade.

Gab wohl mehrere Ddos Attacken auf den Server!

Wie immer ein sehr schöner Artikel von dir! Weiter so!

That guy got ratio'd so badly on X 😆

Do these politicians not realize how unpopular they are with the citizenry?

Eu Is a big cancer, they are the First manipulation masters, remember all the crap lies about covid and vaccines

The EU is seriously on crack anymore. Talk about a socialist group of countries now.

Hab ich gerade noch gefunden :-)
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I think they shouldn't be interfering with the issues in the US. They aren't US citizens so they aren't the ones voting. I think that nobody should be trying to stiffle free speech.

Mittlerweile hat Musk mit einem Meme auf den Brief geantwortet 😂

I think the letter was given to warn him not to spread information that is harmful to the nation. On the one hand, that's fine. Censorship on the other hand

I’m just having a feeling that Elon Musk is partially supporting Donald Trump
I can sense that

It is definitely looking like both trump and Elon musk are forming this partnership

!invest_vote !LUV !PIZZA !wine !WITZ !LOLZ !Hugh
