Wie lange dauert es, das neue NFT-basierte Spiel von Ubisoft Champions Tactics zu starten?
PC-Games sind nicht für ihre schnelle Launch-Zeiten bekannt und hier offenbart sich auch gleich die erste Schwäche von Champions Tactics im Vergleich zu einem echten web3-Game wie Splinterlands, das man im Browser spielen kann.
Um Champions Tactics zu starten, muss man zunächst Ubisoft Connect starten.
Das dauert auf meinem Laptop schon alleine etwa 1 Minute. Eine ganze Minute.
Und da das Game neu ist und ich es zwei Tage nicht gezockt habe, kommt gleich das nächste Problem.
Ubisoft Connect und das Game müssen upgedatet werden und ich muss mich sogar neu bei Ubisoft einloggen (und mein Password finden).
Das dauert.
Für die Updates und das Login habe ich jetzt mindestens 5 Minuten verschwendet. Das nervt.
Das Game ist aber noch gar nicht gestartet, sondern nur Ubisoft Connect.
Ok, ich starte also das Game und werde wie bei Ubisoft üblich mit mehreren Launch-Screens "unterhalten". Auch das dauert. Sage und schreibe 2 Minuten.
Erst jetzt bin ich im Game und kann erst eine Ranked Battle starten, was beim ersten Mal nach 20 Sekunden fehlgeschlagen ist. Neuer Versuch hat dann geklappt.
Insgesamt braucht man zwischen 2-3 Minuten, um eine Ranked Battle zu starten, wenn gerade keine Updates notwendig sind und Ubisoft Connect noch nicht läuft, sonst dauert es 2 Minuten.
Bei Splinterlands schaffe ich es in 15 Sekunden, um das Game im Browser zu öffnen und eine Ranked Battle zu starten.
Und dann gibt es noch ein Problem, die Ranked Battles bei Champions Tactics sind Runden-basiert, man muss den Champions vor jeder Runde einen Skill (Angriffsplan) zuweisen und dann auf den Gegner warten.
In der Praxis ist diese Art von Gameplay sehr langatmig und wird schnell mühsam und sogar langweilig. Eine Ranked Battle dauert damit 10 Minuten und mehr je nachdem wie schnell man selber und der Gegner ist. Das ist mühsam und hat schon beim ersten Game keinen Spaß mehr gemacht. Es ist einfach zu langatmig und damit geht jede Spontanität für so ein Karten-basiertes Game verloren.
Was sagt ihr dazu? Habt ihr Champions Tactics schon ausprobiert? Was haltet ihr vom Gameplay?
Champions Tactics, first crypto game by Ubisoft
How long does it take to launch the new NFT-based game from Ubisoft Champions Tactics?
PC games are not known for their fast launch times and this is where the first weakness of Champions Tactics becomes apparent compared to a real web3 game like Splinterlands, which can be played right away in the web browser.
In order to start Champions Tactics, you first have to start Ubisoft Connect.
This alone takes about 1 minute on my laptop. A whole minute.
And since the game is new and I haven't played it for two days, the next problem arises straight away.
Ubisoft Connect and the game itself have to be updated and I even have to log in to Ubisoft again.
That takes time.
I've now wasted at least 5 minutes on the updates and logging in (finding my password etc). That's annoying.
But the game hasn't even started yet, only Ubisoft Connect.
Ok, so I start the game and, as usual with Ubisoft, I'm “entertained” with several launch screens. That also takes time. Believe it or not, two minutes passed.
Only now am I in the game and can start a ranked battle, which failed the first time after 20 seconds. A new attempt then worked.
All in all, it takes between 2-3 minutes to start a Ranked Battle if no updates are necessary and Ubisoft Connect is not yet running, otherwise it takes 2 minutes.
With Splinterlands, it takes me 15 seconds to open the game in the browser and start a Ranked Battle.
And there's another problem with Champions Tactics, the ranked battles are turn-based, you have to assign a skill (attack plan) to the champions before each round and then wait for your opponent.
In practice, this type of gameplay is very lengthy and quickly becomes tedious and even boring. A ranked battle lasts 10 minutes or more, depending on how fast you and your opponent are. It's tedious and wasn't even fun in the first game. It's just feels too lengthy, and any spontaneity for such a card-based game is lost.
What do you think? Have you tried Champions Tactics yet? What do you think of the gameplay?
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I think taking 10 minutes for a battle is not bad as long as the game is fun to play. I think deciding on an attack plan every round seems fine for a turn-based game. However, it definitely can be different for each game.
2-3 minutes just to start a game without updates is pretty long, though. They definitely should work on that.
The problem is if both teams have similar leveled cards, the ranked battles start to feel quite lengthy. Imagine Splinterlands but you have to add a skill before every round to every monster, a skill being either attack or heal basically. This starts too feel quite lengthy in my opinion.
I see.. that probably can get quite boring.
I kind of imagined something with more diverse actions, I guess. First thing I think of when talking about turn based games is something like Baldur's Gate, but I guess it can't really be compared to that.
I haven't try it but the fact that it's playable only on pc is annoying enough, often one plays from smartphone
agree, but to be fair, Splinterlands is also not that great to play from a smartphone although possible it's not optimized for mobile play.
that's for sure, it has the potential to be good on mobile, but they are not working on it
I have not tried it and I don't plan on playing it. It takes too long for a match and I don't have that much free time.
Erste Welt-Probleme 😂
I haven't tried it but if it takes so much time I doubt I'll do it.
I haven't tried it yet, but from everything I have seen and heard, I actually prefer Splinterlands for how easy and fun it is.
I love your explanation about Champions Tactics
It will be a nice game to play
I hope the developers fix the issues if it's possible. These seemingly insignificant problems can discourage people who want to play. And this shows SPS is a splendid game. Thanks for writing.
I haven't tried it out yet, but I hardly play games anyways 😁
I havent tried it yet but i still want try playing it.
Champions Tactics?
The explanation is really simple
It’s going to be a good game
Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27