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RE: Locked Out with a Key in Hand

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Youtube is not free at all. You have watch at least two compulsory ads to watch any video. Also, they can monetize any video and generate revenue from it even if the account of uploader is not approved for their monetization program. A new slavery model.


Youtube is not free at all. You have watch at least two compulsory ads to watch any video.

Except if you use an adblocker. I do, and my YouTube experience is seamless. There are no advertisements at all.

Also, they can monetize any video and generate revenue from it even if the account of uploader is not approved for their monetization program.

Funny, isn't it? It definitely is a slavery model - who said it had been abolished?

Just disguised.

And because it is in the form of entertainment, most won't notice.

If not dumb, they should notice. Morever, as for distribution of income, Youtube takes the big slice.