Most of my invesment comes from earnings on HIVE and some other platforms, too. Last day, I thought what if buy some HIVE in my local currency? I calculated it, then saw not worthy and I didn't want to take risk "for now".
While I know that for some people, Hive has literally saved them from starvation, five years ago, they would have just starved - or found another way.
I have seen such a situation in Venezuela Community. Sincerely, I was proud of HIVE after seeing this.
How come HIVE has not impacted you financially yet? If it was me, yes has not impacted yet :) but I hope in 5 or 10 years.
As said, it is up to us (thankfully) to take our own risks in this area.
Because I don't need it to live my life, so I don't use it. One day, it will be significant enough to make a large difference, not just replace my daily income.