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RE: Banks Can Seize Americans' $1200 for Outstanding Debts | The We Don't CARES Act

in LeoFinance5 years ago

"Bank seizures of worker relief can be executed through freezing $1200 direct deposits made to banks."

This exemplifies why I do not have a bank account. Oh, how I wish I had learned the lesson that banks are thieves for the sum of $1200! Sadly, it was necessary to lose >$100k for me to grasp the fact of their malevolent avarice.

Given the intrinsic nature of banking to much of the functioning of civilization, it was neither simple nor easy to undertake living without banks. However, I have done for more than a decade now, and see no reason to return to their trough.

Instead, I have focused on community. By performing service to my neighbors, I store value as goodwill, rather than as financial credits or debit on a ledger. I can certify that ordinary folks, while certainly not perfect, are far more just and fair than corporations, and particularly preferable to financial institutions, warts and all.

When the lockdown was ordered in OR, I had little besides that goodwill on hand. Despite that, I am one of the few locals in my neighborhood whose bills are paid in full today, and I paid none of them myself.

I have often ranted hereabouts about the far greater value of community than finance, and noted that the economy is a feature of society, and not the reverse. I do not just talk about it. I actually and literally live as I recommend, and my experience is that I am far better secured from economic insult than if I depended on financial assets more than goodwill of good people.

I ask anyone that reads this to consider how the world would be different if everyone they knew undertook to live as do I.

Fuck Blackrock, B of A, and JP Morgan! If everyone's savings was in the form of the goodwill of their neighbors, those corporate scum would be nothing more than laughable relics of history, which the good people of the world would be glad to be rid of.



I've learned the hard way too...
Don't take loans from banks!