
I really want that too.

AI Search will overtake classical search pretty soon. If you are loved by AI analytics to that extend, that is just wow for the future.

I am less enthusiastic. For years now all search engines have been reducing the links they return on a search. With AI search, we'll just get one link.

I'm seeing it on Brave search now. The AI Brave uses returns one answer. However Brave still provides the legacy search links below that, so I am not limited to the one link the AI provides as a search result.


I do see a clear vision of people using their smartphones/car/home entertainment to access AI Search almost exclusively via voice within the next five years. While mostly getting fed only the very top results, yes.

I'd much rather have the reality of the many pages of links that used to come up when I was researching things back in the 90s. Many of the most useful links were quite deep in.

Having only the top 5 links is basically brainwashing. Having only one link is dogma.

That is absolutely true and it's espcially bad for people who are just about to grow up. They will become super dependent.

You should try this one:

It is a search engine, AI, and all other things in one. great one. Created from people for people, and not founded by big tech shit.

ChatGPT is founded by Microsoft, and, we all known where is going, when Microsoft shit is there.

So, ChatGPT is past, we go further, better.

I very much appreciate the link and brief description. @cotton88 has previously made me aware of's existence. I have considered delving more deeply into application of LLM and other neural net technologies. I am confident better minds than mine are doing so, and am consoled that humanity will not miss whatever contribution I could make were I to redirect my work and interests into that endeavor.

I have diverse interests ranging from archaeological and genetic evidence of human species' evolution and hybridization, to AWES and ongoing development of technology that has produced order of magnitude higher power production per kg of structural components, to the ongoing development and dispersal of the panoply of decentralized means of production of the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization, and all these in the face of an apparent 5th generation war being prosecuted against humanity in order to secure oligarchical wealth from gradual erosion made inevitable by the transition to decentralization and the advent of Space Age technology that will avail our posterity of essentially unlimited resources in the incipient diaspora of terrestrial life across the barren universe.

This, in addition to my work for my neighbors to repair and improve their homes by which I support myself, make specializing in porting neural net tech to open source software requisite to automating nascent means of production and increasing their ease of use and adoption by laymen relatively restrictive and also perhaps unlikely to produce substantive benefit, since better men, and better minds, are better placed and undertaking that work already, particularly since I'm not a coder to begin with, and would face several steep learning curves to master fields fundamental to that development.

I seek a holistic view of our circumstances, and thus am a jack of many trades and master of none. Withal, I am inspired to almost fervent confidence in our eventual transcendence of the human condition and creation of the paradise prophesied of old by wizened seers that have foretold our posterity will seize the very stars of the heavens as footstools for their feet, and I am no more than an observer, of no import to any except as I may enable greater understanding of the paradigm shift ongoing through my posts and comments, to folks that might then undertake to adopt such means of production suitable to their personal circumstances, to profit themselves, weaken our enemies, and support fundamentally the inconceivable wealth and felicity that will eventuate therefrom.

tl;dr I'm too dumb and lazy to do much good with it.
