"...being in charge of money is a lot more difficult than it looks..."
This is very true, and one of the main reasons I eschew money to the degree I am able. It is so difficult to master the management of money, with so many potential pitfalls and temptations to abnegate one's core principles and transgress them in the interest of increasing one's financial hoard, that I have recognized my own inadequacy to surmounting those traps while being able to nominally pursue matters of more relevance to my personal interests. One can study the variety of ways that monetary systems can be effected, and the myriad of machinations each of those monetary systems avail, for many lifetimes without mastering all. Yet there are even more economic mechanisms potential to society that eschew money altogether, and while they are certainly potential of lifetimes of study, a very simple, easily manageable basis for all of them is goodwill, and I have sought to undertake my own economic management based on that foundation to reduce the management time and effort necessary to attaining nominal prosperity while I achieve more important goals, such as raising my sons, securing my person and treasure from thieves, and strengthening my community to secure out mutual liberty and felicity.
I have shit to do.
"...people who believe in democracy are hypocrites."
The underlying premise of democracy is that people freely choose their government, and therefore are free. It is demonstrable that majority rule, however, oppresses the minority, who are subjected to governance they oppose. When 51% of voters vote to steal the assets of 49% of voters, it is blatantly obvious the whole of the population isn't free, but in fact subjugated to the tyranny of the majority. In fact, since not all the population are voters, but merely a fraction of the total (for whatever reason, including denial of suffrage to groups to exclude them), inevitably a minority of the population imposes governance on a majority that has not willfully chosen it. Democracy, therefore, cannot possibly avail 'the people' freedom. It is a mathematical impossibility.
"...As much as I hate the concept of a scammer's flywheel: that's exactly what it is..."
In the real world, of course power inures to them that take it. For them dependent on money, money masters wield power over them they cannot avoid. Insofar as I have freed myself from money I have limited - but not proportionally reduced - my subjugation to banksters. As long as folks I treat with in society are subject to banksters, I am indirectly impacted, to a degree that sometimes seems overwhelming.
But, time will tell. I (perhaps agonizingly, for some) tout the magic power of decentralization to set people free from malign banksters. Ultimately I am without doubt that people availed of personal means of production of the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization will develop illimitable resources at their whim and produce inconceivable wealth in absolute freedom in the vast, barren reaches of space, whereby creating abundant life and felicity they and their posterity will enjoy in good company in perpetuity. I am cognizant of the fact this will not happen until I am dead and buried, but neither does this discourage me. The laws of physics have established the No Hiding theorem, which states that information cannot be lost from the universe. If local copies of information, such as my person, are destroyed due to local evolution, yet that information is contained in the variety of perturbations of the forces at play in the wider universe, at least.
As a biologist I have understood that genetic evolution is not directional, but I do not believe that memetic evolution is not directional. While genes are without purpose, and simply governed by physical processes that can be (potentially) described purely mathematically, our persons are quite different and have will that supercedes mere chance to direct our fates. I observe that evil is it's own reward, that living by the sword leads to dying by the sword, and our fears inspire actions that inevitably face us with their full expression. Withal, I am confident that my observations are consistent with a reality in which life has sacred purpose, and not otherwise. While I acknowledge being merely a semi-aquatic primate without expectation of wrassling such matters into provable understanding, being lucky I can tie my shoes, yet the encouragement I am granted by the objective reality of justice and mercy impels me to believe there is an ultimate beneficent purpose and good is also it's own reward.
What brings me to discuss this here is that it is society that is fundamental to Hive, not money. Living by money leads to dying by money, and money is ephemeral ultimately. That is shown by economies eschewing money. Society is that actual purpose we should be more mindful of, and financial focus is well potential to obscure that reality, which will lead to the eventual destruction of Hive. The ultimate purpose of Hive is not to make money the supreme force that governs people. Any other purpose superceding the beneficial enjoyment of people of Hive will ultimately fail as the beneficence of society to people will prevail over all other values. Either Hive will adapt it's mechanics nominally to focus on that foundation, or it will eventually fall by whatever sword it does focus on.
This is why I oppose automating social interactions, like autovoting, bots, and raw plutocratic governance, as all these reject that social beneficence as the ultimate purpose of Hive and replace mere financialization as paramount. Ultimately such mechanisms will destroy Hive as they fail to compete with ongoing memetic evolution and people attain such society via means that will arise that better suit them. Either Hive is about benefiting people, who comprise society, or it is doomed to be replaced by a mechanism that is.