"...such a prestigious outlet."
Not for a long time now.
You may be surprised to learn I am not on team Missolini. IMHO governments are being deprecated so that the WEF can step in and save hapless revolutionaries with technocratic tyranny, and Missolini is going to enable many to think that Italy will not succumb, that national government can be depended on, and this will create a huge population of people that do not act to become as independent as necessary to survive the collapse of national governments.
I don't disagree with anything I've heard she said. I think she's a deliberately provided haven that will conveniently clump targets for shooters of fish in barrels. The war has already begun, and the truth was, of course, the first casualty. Treachery is the pointy end of everything the WEF has, and to betray anyone you have to gain their trust. This is how it's done.
The real definition of wealth is independent means. All cryptocurrencies are dependent on the infrastructure owned by the enemies of free people, the internet. I hope you have plans A-D operant and have prepared to maintain independent means of providing your needs going forward. All that needs to be done to end all cryptocurrencies is for them to think of the children being raped by terrorists using encryption, and refuse to transmit any data that is encrypted. When they want you to use CBDCs that will be all that's available to you to use.
There are ways to preserve your capital in that event. Do hedge, please.
I was not.
Anyone who comes to the conclusion that a 'good' politician is the best way out of a bad situation is going to be sorely disappointed. The current system is beyond repair. FUBAR confirmed.