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RE: Round Robin SHA-256 RNG

"Something i would really like to do is have a chat, or phone/video service that doesn't need a server."

I think the best we can potentially achieve is a system in which every user is a server, serving only their data, but providing an endpoint for every other server to send to. This also needs to be wireless to eliminate the physical host of wired network, enabling all users to be peers. Politically, I don't think this can currently be created, because the totalitarian tyranny being imposed on the world requires the ability to completely control data, but that tyranny is doomed to collapse due to internal competition once the external hurdles are surmounted and cooperation once necessary to gain that global control is exchanged for internal struggle to gain control of the whole. History shows this is the inevitable result of successful imposition of power, because the players that can attain to power cannot refrain from seeking to gain more power. Water flows downhill, and it always will.

Eventually the need for such comms will produce such a system, but only after attempts to rule the world mutually destroy each other. Hopefully we don't have to regress to the Stone Age to get past that elimination of megalomaniacal powermad wannabe tyrants, because that means we could get stuck in a loop that never enables getting past it. I am confident we can get past it, and very hopeful this is the time we will.