Reuters "Fact Check" is a joke and that goes for most "fact checking" outlets.
In the case of Reuters Fact Checking on Covid, a good question to ask yourself is "Qui Bono".
Reuters CEO from 2012 to 2020, James C Smith is a board member of Pfizer. Does anyone really believe that any thing other than the sanctioned narrative regarding the pandemic will be published in Reuters? Another board member is Scott Gottlieb the former FDA commissioner and another former FDA commissioner sits on the board of Moderna, Stephen Hahn.
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I wonder who's benefitting from all this confusion. It's like the crowd conditioned by one faction of media is being trolled by what that particular faction might call 'mainstream' or 'corporate' media.
What I'm seeing is a line being drawn in the sand to intentionally keep at least two main groups/groupthink at odds with one another. This all creates 'markets' which are then exploited for profit simply by telling either side what they want to hear.
Of course I could get shot for saying that because you either stand in line with one of these teams or you'll look like a total freak show.
How interesting is to observe, as an outsider, watching one massive group saying something doesn't exist, while the other group points at them and says they're under the influence of it, claiming it does exist, not realizing they too are under the exact same spell.
A few months back while trying to wrap my head around everything, I was calling it 'mass hypnosis'. Comparing society today to cults.
Media is media, regardless of source. It's manipulative and it goes in both directions, at the same time, all at once, affecting many the same way. Same stories are told, but a different way. Same effect on the populace regardless. Still being pulled along by the same stories, just going in the direction that feels most comfortable. No different than society on a highway acting as one, picking a lane, and reaching their destination, even if going in opposite directions.
If there truly are puppet masters, what makes people think they're not being conditioned to oppose them? If they truly are master manipulators, well that's what they would do, would they not?
What makes people think these masters of the universe are only just smart enough to be able to control roughly half of the people... ? All while their supposed influence plays a huge role in how the other half thinks, talks, and acts... and that half doesn't seem to notice either... ?
I dunno. Just something to think about I guess. Not taking a 'position', and I know in advance this all sounds absurd, especially to those who've picked a lane.
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that people are being divided into groupthink camps. I would argue that it's part of the divide and conquer strategy that proves time and time again to be an effective way to control large portions of the population.
For example, how colonialists in Africa would pit one tribe against another, or scapegoat one tribe, in order to place blame for their state of affairs while the colonial power maintains business as usual extracting wealth/resources out of said nation. In this scenario both tribes lose and the root of their misery, the colonizers, escape the wrath of the real frustration and anger the people are experiencing. The colonizers could care less about either tribe as long as they remain distracted and divided and unable to raise up and remove their true oppressors.
So, if puppet masters truly exist they probably do not fall into Tribe A or Tribe B. They may have a real preference for Tribe A but they are not really concerned with the plight of either Tribe as they can manipulate the situation to their benefit whatever happens. In the end they are the invisible hand dividing populations and pushing people into conflict with one another in order to maintain control and achieve their own particular goals.
It's a crude oversimplification of colonization (lol, colonizers are not totally invisible withering in the subtropical heat in their ridiculously sweat soaked imperial uniforms) but hopefully you understand the point I'm trying to make.
How interesting it is to be an outside observer, no doubt.
What's interesting these days, because of social media, all it really takes is one story, an angle; the people pick it up, convert it into several positions based around the same idea. If there's damage, the people do it to themselves. Far more intense than snowballing. The pieces breaking off are also snowballing. Before you know it, and of course months and even years later, the people affected are glued, saying the same things nonstop. A form of mind control/thought control. No time to think about anything else. Gotta win that conversation...
Even looking around this comment section, and not to insult anyone of course, but all this has been said, in some way, shape, or form.
And I understand what you're saying. I boiled it down to a simple equation, somewhat lightheartedly, recently. X ÷ Y = Z
The X's can see the Y's and the Y's can see the X's. They have the same walls in common but use them as an excuse to be different or better, or worse. The walls an illusion. Completely oblivious to Z.
Studying this whole thing, I've discovered it's difficult to enter the arena and offer this perspective. The X's think you're a Y and the Y's think you're an X; and they both have sharp spears.
And of course I didn't do any of this so, totally not a Z. Lightheartedly I just describe it as, N or G. And that's where things get really confusing... LOL!
Obviously yes but this puppet still gets no brownie points.
Does this scenario seem odd (it's happened countless times): Someone in the media gets 'deplatformed', people freak out and start talking about loss of freedoms, instead of noticing whoever got 'deplatformed' only became louder, and never disappeared... ? Or how COVID content is supposedly "censored", yet it's almost impossible to go on the internet and not see it... ? Even that video site linked above. "Banned" video. Seems to me the whole concept is just simple marketing, and people are falling for it.
What's really going on here... ?
I spoke on this in another comment on the National File this morning. In my opinion it was all in the plan from the beginning. This was my comment.
It's so weird how I can almost feel the shit, oozing into my brain, after spending only five minutes looking at it. It's like a worm that just wants to wiggle its way inside and make itself at home.
I need to get the hell out of here.
I know right. The other day an elderly lady who I still cut her hair at home was interested in a lot of the info I have because so many of her friends got the jab and are now ill. I really did want to stop before handing it to her and say "are you sure you really want to go there". It's like once you do you find yourself saying "how the hell am I going to get rid of these worms in my head!"