
Yes I have plans of staking my little Leo and I don't always wait for this day to powerup

Yes. It's a must

I love the spirit.
Today was actually my first #Lpud.


I love the sound of it.

Am glad to have met you in person.

I'm glad that I met you too. Hopefully we'll meet again.

Hope you eventually completed the Lpud?

Yes I did. Hope you did yours?

Sure i will

so, how many were you able to power up today?

your preparation is massive I hope to join soon

Thank you.
I have successfully powered

It's officially my first power

I don't have plan to do so today but I definitely will in the next power up what about you?

I have powered up already

just plan ahead of time ok.

Yes I will do that someday

Ok. you can start now to target the next one.

Power up is key in this business. It's the only way to do well, trust me

It happens 15th of every month.
So start planning for that of September

I don't have plans to do that today because of some circumstances beyond my control.

I understand. I hope you overcome soon.

15th of September is another #lpud