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RE: Introducing the All-New Articles Page on LeoFinance | Communities Support, Hive Trending Feeds and More

in LeoFinancelast year

This is a crazy super interesting and fantastic development. The future of LeoFinance is just here and it feels good to be here now at the ground floor before the lift moves higher.


With Hive community integrations in LeoFInance, can those non-leofinance posts earn $LEO?


That's a great question. As we evolve this into the everything app, we're going to need to redefine what is a leofinance post and what isn't. Perhaps even the finance part of leofinance could come into question.

We will evolve with the changing tides. At launch, these communities will only earn LEO if the User tags "LEO" or "Leofinance" in one of the tags of their post. If they don't, then those posts won't earn LEO.

If they do and the LEO community deems that the post shouldn't earn LEO, the community can self-police. How we go about that is - as everything is in the LeoVerse - up to the community itself

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha