Thanks @michelmake!
4 Shares [Share 1506 to 1509] have succesfully been assigned to you and you were added for a weekly upvote of 78% (4x2.8%x7). Shareholders with 6 or more shares get a Daily Upvote (shares x 2.8%) and those with 11 shares or more also get a share of the Curation Reward Dividends each new level that opens up so you know. Feel Free to let me know who you want to sponsor and if you have questions don't hesitate to ask them!
Great, thank you! I would like to propose @xsasj be sponsored.
ok, I assigned 2 sponsorships which is the max for 1 user, so you can sponsor 2 more users if you want.
Great, this is awesome! Then also assign sponsor shares to @thijsvermeer and @haveyaheard
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much!!!
Thanks a lot for the support!! Really kind of you! 😀🙏🙏
Hi Thijs, happy to be able to help people that add value to the Hive ecosystem :-)
@upvoteshares, I wasn't aware of the daily votes when having more than six shares. I just transferred the funds for two more shares to get me to a total of 6. Sorry to keep you busy like this 🙈
No Problem, I assigned 2 more shares [1511 & 1512] and changed the upvote to a daily 17% upvote. Thanks & Enjoy!