I just bought 33 LEO with some powered down HIVE to get in on the erc20 fueled incoming massive rush of LEO prices
lol I just realized Trump won the crypto game, he was just distracting the deep state from crypto so we could innovate lol
now crypto really is unstoppable and has soooo many backups
everything will fall into eosio drag net with https://ptokens.io which scales ETH and EOS and BTC as PBTC on eos and erc20 AND SOON..... PHIVE PLEO PKANDA PSAND PDEC PBEE and the rest!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're lucky to buy LEO at 2 HIVE per token. Soon, others would be buying 1 LEO with 10 HIVE. Just a few weeks from today and hopefully then, HIVE would be worth some more value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice staking is really good for long term plan.
Are you related with ptokens or impressed with it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice even i am looking to buy some leo with my dcity earnings
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Smart. I bought 50 LEO yesterday and staked them as well. I've grown my DCity income to almost 1400 SIM a day. I can continue to buy a building each day and see the number rising. My goal is to get to a vcertain number of SIM and then stream the excess into daily LEO purchases and new buildings, and just let it grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
good job man! what's the next goal?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's awesome! Keep growing with LEO!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta