It's old and it is called Lebron is Better than Kobe lol. I can't get the name changed without screwing the whole thing up. It started as a personal page years ago. I just made my first post in forever. I average about 1,000 views per post but when it was active I got about 30,000. I'll try and beat some life back into it during the playoffs.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Tough name now, but that is still an amazing following. I would love to have you post some stuff on there it would be a huge boost to the number of eyes on the platform!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No prob. Whenever you're ready we can post there. We'll just keep it Lebron content
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course! I know a few big Bron fans that would create some great content
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta