Nuevo #threadcast diario para conectar a la comunidad Venezolana
Este inicia en mitad del día porque aquí no creemos en dejarlo para el lunes, pero lo iniciaremos todos los días a las 8:00 AM
Un Threadcast es un espacio para chatear en vivo y hacer preguntas que pueden ser respondidas por el host o cualquiera de la comunidad que tenga la respuesta.
Iniciemos este con temática:
Not really taking part in this, but sending you all some good vibes from Libya~
Pequeño problema que se está presentando en Venezuela
What is it?
An invasive snail that came in such an amount that can kill entire trees when they all gather on them
Run them over with a lawnmower.
Hahah I think I'm gonna have to set them on fire.
Hello my friends from Venezuela
Hopefully all is well with you
Looking at you crossing national ones also.
uhhhhh nice! No hablo espanol. :D But I think this is going to be the threadcast "to beat" The south american community is very active and large in here :D Well done :D
Fortunately they are good in English too. I wouldnt throw French at them though.
LOL neither at me.
Genial por haber creado este espacio y de esa manera poder conversar y pasarla de maravilla.
#newsonleo #immigration #maduro #venezuela
I think Merida, it's the coldest part of Venezuela. But that's a play I would love to be if I wanted to be disconnected from everything bc internet in most places there is not accessible
Merida?! 😁
Hahahha she actually reminds me of that place haha
she’s is a great creation of a characters, i love this movie and her 😍

Why would you want to disconnect completely?
Some times I like to do that. If I didn't work online and did everything online, I would go the complete opposite haha
Hahahahah well, in Venezuela we just handle Spanish :D
I think his Dad will see this re-thread, lol.
This is awesome. What a great idea by @tsunsica. She is so smart and worthy of the name "Bubbles".
Ains, thanks! hahaha I'm gonna start dropping comments here haha
I am too.
I will drop this link in the other threadcasts.
En Inleo hay una sección de threads que pertenece a cada comunidad.
Los threads publicados allí se ven en el feed general, así que seguirás teniendo una gran audiencia, pero en la comunidad verás solo los identificados con su respectiva etiqueta:
Cualquiera puede crear un Threadcast, solo necesita colocar la etiqueta #threadcast en un thread principal.
Funcionará, pero solo aparecerá como una burbuja arriba si eres premium
Where are the Venezuelans hiding?
En estos momento hay varias comunidades participando en una competencia de interacciones. Las de origen hispano son #humanitas, #hiverun y #lovinghive, así que apóyenlas creado posts desde inleo, comentando a otros, creado threads con su etiqueta y respondiendo a threads con su etiqueta.
Hello 👋👋👋👋!
Its another day on threadcast patrol, thanks to @taskmaster4450le our patrol leader who drew my attention 🤠😀🤠
I am going to have to ticket you for speeding young man. You are zipping all over the place and I am on patrol.
HAhah 🤣🤣, am under your covers 🤣🤣
Well get the hell out of bed you lazy bum. It is late in the day.
Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 already Papa
I bet the Venezuelans could give the Brazilians a run for their money for the most active community on threads.
What do you love about Venezuela?
Hello @tsunsica, it's a pleasure seeing your first threadcast today 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. I love it but promise me something 😉😉😉..
You love their ladies 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love all ladies...except American.
American ladies has a flat a*s 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You like that?
This i why I left the new York city to the Old York town.
Ja, si vienen y se activan, en volumen somos bastantes para invadir threads
En Inleo puedes ingresar al feed de la etiqueta #spanish y ver todos los threads en español e interactuar con ellos, además de recibir curación!
This is what #ai (ideogram) created for Venezuela.
And this:
De Venezuela me encanta que el clima aunque haga calor o frío, es tolerable todo el año, no hay clima que te vaya a matar si te fueras a quedar en la calle
And this. I dont get what it means.
Do Venezuela have french fries?
There is nothing similar to this, but there is rivers in every city, and a lot of bodies of water in certain clases. An one of the tallest waterfalls on the world
Yes, but we don't call them french fries, just "papas fritas" or fried potatoes haha
I dont know why we call then French Fries in the US. Dont know how French they are.
I and my patrol leader love your ladies 😍😍😍..
I need a young lady that is going to teach me French in Love 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰..
Please @tsunsica, don't tell my Dad [@taskmaster4450le] what I said
It seems the non Venezuelans are outnumbering the Venezuelans. It will take a little time.
Yeah, it's the weekend, Venezuelas are buying food and have family visiting, etc ahaha
I dont think a lot of them are on threads to begin with.
Hahahaha it could be if they start to join. But Saturday is such a bad day hahaha we all buying groceries or in family events XD
Threading supersedes those.
HEre is a photo of my funny Cock, even after death he requested for a Brown paper weed. 😂😂😂
Interesante, ahora es que estoy viendo esto 😹
Bringing Venezuelans together. We need more threading.
bienvenida jajaja es sitio para dejar preguntas de inleo o contar cosas de Venezuela jajaja
#newsonleo #us #sanctions #venezuela #oil
#newsonleo #chile #venezuela #crime
#newsonleo #venezeula #honduras #ecaudor #embassy
#newsonleo #venezuela #politics #elections
#newsonleo #argentina #venezuela #embassy
#newsonleo #politics #venezuela #election
What is the best part of Venezuela to live in?
#newsonleo #baseball #sports #venezuela #peru
Hola guapas y guapos … i’m not fluid in spanish, so won’t stay long i guess … but i designed something a while ago for a contest for Venezuela … i didn‘t win, but i thought i show it here again before it gets dusty and forgotten in my archives 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼
so was it a contest to announce a contest?
yip, xactly, for a school drawing contest …
You can post in English. I am not fluid in Spanish at all but keep posting in here.
The first day of the Venezuela threadcast and it topped 100.
Good to see.