30% Bigger Tips on Publish0x For This Weekend !

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Here's an interesting mail I just got from Publish0x

If this is the first time you hear about Publish0x then you should know it's a site similar to Hive and Steemit. You can register an account, post articles and upvote (tip to be more precise!) posts from other people. And yes, you can earn by curating content. The only difference is that it doesn't have its own dedicated blockchain. 

The money for your tips comes from the ad-revenue the site generates and various donations. Since there is no blockchain, all accounts are more or less equal, which means that your vote carries the same weight, regardless if you are a newb or an old timer. You have a maximum of 10 votes you can cast a day and usually each vote is around 0.3 bat. When voting, you get a slider and you can choose how much of the tip will go to the author and how much will go to you:

And that's pretty much all you need to know about publish0x! 

Personally I just copy paste my Hive articles there, and tip a couple or so of my friends. Since I am not engaging much with the community I am not earning much but hey...as I said I am just copy pastin! You get what you put, I have seen people making up to 10 $ for their articles. To give you an idea, my latest post about Brave Browser, has reached about 0.53 $ in less then 24 hours. Not bad for a lazy & quick copy paste!

In case you didn't click any of the other links which are all referral links, here's my referal link for Publish0x https://www.publish0x.com/?a=lNbWmzQeyg if you want to give it a try in case. Please be a good boy and use it since I will be earning a 5 % of whatever you earn there. That's extra money by the way, it's not reduced by your earnings so you can nothing to lose!

Thanks :*

Posted via Steemleo


An important tip I forgot: Try posting crypto related stuff. They are yield more tips :)

copy paste seems like a lot of work for 50 cents :P