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RE: Are You Mentally Prepared For Abundance?

This is a great question. It creates some introspection on my part. Having grown up with very little, there are habits and ways of thinking that are hard to let go as they are a part of me in ways that I am unaware.

A quick example is the tendency to hold on to things that "might be useful in the future". The result is a house full of clutter that is distracting and takes time and effort to manage. The alternative would have been to give it away or sell it. If I need it again, I can buy it again. There are subtle poverty mindset tendencies like this that worry me about being prepared for abundance. Will I waste time to save a buck, or spend a few dollars to save time? At what point does my time become more valuable than my money? When you're poor, your money is most often worth more than your time.

At some point, our crypto holdings were somewhere near $20,000. I haven't calculated our present holdings, yet, which have grown. Still, that was more than we had ever saved in our lifetimes. For now, we can get away with not dealing with it by not withdrawing. Thus, we don't feel the abundance or future prosperity. We don't see it. For now, it's an abstract curiosity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is easy to fall into the scarcity mindset which leads to hoarding. A big step forward is to overcome that and realize one can get by if something is needed and not there.

At some point, our crypto holdings were somewhere near $20,000. I haven't calculated our present holdings, yet, which have grown.

And what happens if that holding goes up 10x. After all, it could happen. What would that do to your state and mindset?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to listen to Jim Rohn recordings. One question that stuck in my mind was, "what kind of person do I have to be to become a millionaire". Or something like that. The implication is that there are things to learn and ways of acting that lead up to one becoming successful. I ask myself what type of person experiences and maintains abundance?

you are so right. at the end to what end is the scarcity mindset of real use to you. you think and act like you are poor, but you are not. so it is like a bit of a wheel for a hamster

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta