UNOFFICIAL WINNERS LIST FOR #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) July 1st, 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

As always, a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to this month's Hive Power Up Day, either through powering up, posting, offering prizes, or spreading the word. As I said on @hivebuzz's feedback post (where they talk about SMASHING the ATH record for power ups, so be sure to check it out!)...

Happy halfway through the year 2021, everyone!

Speaking of years, this Hive Power Up Day marks 12 months that I've been running this initiative and I couldn't be happier about how this #HivePUD has gone! I have to admit I was nervous given the timing of Hard Fork 25, but thanks to the amazing effort of our witnesses, developers, and other community members, the blockchain forked almost without a hitch. And while I don't have any actual numbers yet, I do know my GINAbot notifications have been going crazy today, as well as a busy little bee hinted that a record might be broken - what an awesome way to celebrate!

As always, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in Power Up Day in any way, either by powering up, posting, and/or shouting out on social media. All of those things help shine a light on our blockchain home, which in turn helps to grow our community. Special thanks to @hivebuzz for always BEEing such an incredible buzz-maker for Hive Power Up Day, as well as all the other cool initiatives you do for our Hive community!


And while we didn't smash any records with #HivePUD (though spoiler alert - we did surpass last month!), it was definitely another awesome result! 😊

To break it all down, we had 66 qualifying entries for the prize pool (compared to 67 in June) with 123 total entries (compared to 128 last month) and 137 posts with either the #HivePUD or #HPUD tags on the first (the same amount as last month).

As for the overall number, the power ups ranged from 1 to 7007 Hive Power, for a grand total of...

40,116.24 Hive Powered Up!


By comparison, the total in June was 26,780. So even with essentially the same amount of people participating, the total was up by 13,336! I'd say that's...



And I know I say it every month, but I'm so appreciative that I have to keep saying it, thank you to @jeanlucsr for bringing the idea to the @hivebuzz team, who then ran with it and made the Hive Power Up Day Badges such a buzz-inducing part of power up day! Every time I think they've outdone themselves, they turn around and do something even more amazing - like, awarding delegations to Power Up Day participants!

Now for the lists!

In keeping with how @streetstyle ran this, here is the UNOFFICIAL winners list for June 1st. If you spot any errors, or your powerup/post was somehow overlooked, please shout out as soon as possible.

On July 5th, I'll post the OFFICIAL written-in-stone list, and at that time the sponsors can award their prizes (the complete list is in the announcement post, and I'll include it again in the Official Winners post on Monday).

Again as always, special thanks to my numbers guy @abh12345 for sending along the raw data for me to use to put this together. Much appreciated, Asher! 😊



This list only includes those who powered up & posted about #HivePUD and/or #HPUD on the 1st, and met the criteria (reputation between 39 and 69 before powering up; Hive Power between 100 and 8000 prior to the 1st), and posted using the tag(s) so they qualify for prizes. As always, I won't assign placement numbers until the official list is posted, and I've added a separate list below this one for those who posted & powered up, but their accounts were either too big/too small in their Hive Power or Reputation to qualify for the monthly prize pool (but this time they will be included in my 1 year celebration drawing!).

Unofficial list of those
qualified for the prize pool
July 1st, 2021

PlaceholderAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Participants who don't qualify for prizes

(but qualify as amazeballs because
they participated anyway!❤️)

(and actually this month they qualify to be part of my special 1 year celebration drawing to be done on the 5th!🎉 )

PlaceholderAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Also on the 5th, I plan to do a review of all the stats from the past 12 months of Power Up Day since I took over from @streetstyle. I think it will be interesting to see how the numbers have turned out over the year (and I think @taskmaster4450 and @hivecoffee will be interested in seeing them). Who knows, I might even try a fancy graph or two! But in the meantime, thanks again to everyone for making this #HivePUD monthly event such an amazing success! I'm so proud to be a member of this wicked awesomesauce community!


Image Credits: blog thumbnail created on Canva. #HivePUD GIF created using both Giphy and ezGIF.


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 63 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @traciyork, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hi @traciyork
Woww,I'm glad you mentioned me in this post.Thank you so much!
Much appreciated your effort 🥰🥰🥰
Hope you have a great day !


...errrr, and probably less caps ;>



@traciyork! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @stevescoins.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

Hey @traciyork, here is a little bit of BEER from @stevescoins for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Gracias por la mención y la oportunidad de poder participar cada mes 😊


I like to be on this list!!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉

Thanks for that!

I am a part time Blogger so my account growth is slow.
My Power ups have been typically modest until this month 😁.
Thanks for the mention.

Thank you for attention HPUD!



@traciyork! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @tin.aung.soe.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

Thanks for all you do running this!

Thank you, I'm glad I made the list once again.

Also on the 5th, I plan to do a review of all the stats from the past 12 months of Power Up Day since I took over from @streetstyle. I think it will be interesting to see how the numbers have turned out over the year (and I think @taskmaster4450 and @hivecoffee will be interested in seeing them). Who knows, I might even try a fancy graph or two! But in the meantime, thanks again to everyone for making this #HivePUD monthly event such an amazing success! I'm so proud to be a member of this wicked awesomesauce community!
bring it on

To break it all down, we had 67 qualifying entries for the prize pool (weirdly the exact same as June) with 123 total entries (compared to 128 last month) and 137 posts with either the #HivePUD or #HPUD tags on the first (again, the same amount as last month).

As for the overall number, the power ups ranged from 1 to 7007 Hive Power, for a grand total of...

40,116.24 Hive Powered Up!

By comparison, the total in June was 26,780. So even with essentially the same amount of people participating, the total was up by 13,336! I'd say that's...

Hivepud is a new leg in hive everybody knows that this is something that is normal to do and a nesseccary blog on the forst. Happy I was there aswell when streetstyle left and congrats on your 12 months in and looking forward to the graphics Tomorrow and the extra prizes.

And happy 4th

Great to be on the list! In position number 4, I wasn't expecting that! Nice! 😀

Thanks and good luck to everyone for the prize 😎

Turned out I powered up half an hour too early 😣😄

Another great month here to many more




@traciyork! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @dadspardan.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/20)

Hello, very good day, this was my first #hpud :) I wanted to know why I do not qualify to participate? to keep it in mind for the next month. Thank you so much!

Congrats on your first Hive Power Up Day, @ruffo.pippen! And in the infamous words of Maxwell Smart, you only...

...because you needed to have 100 HIVE already powered up, but you only had 98! 😵

In fact, I was wicked bummed that I missed that on the day itself - I try to take a peek around in case someone is just shy (like yourself), but I didn't catch it. The good news though is that you'll be all set for next month. 😊

haha that's great! I cant wait to see your fancy graphs! :)

thank you for including this account in your year celebration! I didn't think about it - I should have just poweredup as @dreemsteem and then delegated hahaha - but its all fine and dandy :) It's all going to the community and lifting people up anyway! :) so - woooots!

thanks for your hard work on this! I have been working data and numbers for the past 2 weeks and my eye balls are burning - so... hahahaha I know how much you put into it! thank you!!!

Gracias, me encanta verme en es listado, es motivador. Saludos

Thanks too very much, so hope to make it next time..
Guess it won't be a fail.

Thank you so much.

I want to thank you @traciyork and @fionasfavourites , for your great work and support! 😊

Thanks for the mention @traciyork I am very interested in that!

You straight rock.

So do all of the power uppers and I am especially enthused to see the newer accounts with big percentage gains.

Congrats to all on locking more proof of brain into the blockchain. The boost is shared by our whole community which is the REAL value of Hive.