I really dislike cancel culture, but being a minority within a minority within a minority... sometimes it's hard seeing another way out.
I wish stating one's concerns in detail was enough, but if companies insist on making things more difficult for us consumers then at the very least we're going to try to have fun with how powerless of a situation we've been placed in. You don't want that, you don't want people to feel powerless and get to the point of not caring.
Blockchain, for me, was so promising because I could see a way out of censorship. Even if the world wasn't ready to respond to my needs, they'd at least know I have these needs and there would be some hope that eventually they'd be somewhat met.
As much as I wish I could get my wife the house she wants when she wants, care for my aging family better, if I sell out over a few recruiting contracts and just ignore how so many crypto companies don't care about transparency or even just a working product then I'm setting myself up for loss later. I could have money and not be able/allowed to use it.. why have it?
I want to control at least some of my finances, everyone works for something... when we allow companies to just change the terms and conditions arbitrarily and cryptically, especially financial companies, we're devaluing the efforts we put into the dreams we're working to manifest by using these tools.
If that crypto exchange is not responsible for your funds then why are we even dealing with them? If I can't even own a wallet, if a wallet address can't be my own to receive funds, then what are they even offering? A library of games and pictures with loyalty reward points? Any bank can include a couple of games in their mobile apps LOL
I noticed how some crypto companies are already getting carbon-neutral or green-friendly certificates/seals, though ya'll know I do believe we can be kinder to the environment I also think we should be careful to praise a company just because they have taken steps to appear considerate.