I don't think it's as easy as we say it is because they are many smaller accounts that are not growing.
I think what affects growth is determination, quality and consistently showing up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't think it's as easy as we say it is because they are many smaller accounts that are not growing.
I think what affects growth is determination, quality and consistently showing up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well small accounts have a much easier time to grow compared to others. They might just need to join a few contests as well if they want some more exposure and things aren't working out. As always, engagement is key for getting eyes on your own post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The percentage basis could see a large jump in influence. But most do not look at it like that for obvious reasons.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true! It's easy for a small account to double- or triple their size, which definitely should serve as motivation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's also easier for smaller accounts to move up the reputation ladder than bigger accounts.
Unpopular success hack
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are a lot of smaller accounts that are not growing because people are not putting the effort in. I think a lot are looking at the quick hit and they do not have the long term focus.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Keywords: effort and long-term focus
These two facilitates all forms of growth. Where they are missing, growth cannot take place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Too few are missing one or both on here. I just wrote a post about Leofinance. It is sad how many expect stuff to happen in a few weeks. Things take time.
Look at where we will be in a year or two. That will be the true test.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wouldn't blame this category of people though. It's a mindset something and I believe the more you grow, get exposure, you'll tend to understand stuff better and act better.
Look at me, one year ago, I didn't understand all of these but I got exposed to knowledge and it's changed my narrative about success on LeoFinance. The important thing is acting the right way once you know the right path to tread.
It's never too late to think and act the profitable way.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true. It is also why I am looking forward to your update post about the account growth. This is a way to show others what happens when you adopt the mindset of getting involved and growing.
We have to show people what happens when a reversal in outlook happens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
About the growth posts, I prefer to make them at the start of every new month. Reasons being that, the growth will be more tangible and clear at these time intervals.
Or do you think differently?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That makes a lot of sense. Whatever the interval, if you want to wait a month to do it, that is good. As long as you remember where you were when we first mentioned it. I know you can look at the Hive on hivestats but not the LEO (right now). So I hope you wrote down some numbers and took a mental snapshot.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Long term is- and has always been difficult for people to see because of the "get rich quick"-type of mentality they have.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Everything is- or can be easy in theory. The reality is often very different though, but the fact remains, Hive is an amazing blockchain. We just need others to realize it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's right. Some things appear very easy until you try doing them.
I hope many come to love Hive like we do
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Give it another year or two and we have tripled the amount of users. I'm sure of that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very impossible!
Currently from @penguinpablo 's stats report, we have over 400+ new users joining Hive daily.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta