in LeoFinancelast year

How the Year Began

The year started on a Sunday 1 January 2023. I was opportune to begin the year with a crossover night Mass. I also attended Mass in the morning after which I had my first meal of the year. Infact I can still remember the aroma and taste of the meal I ate that morning. It was indeed a memorable and palatable.
I was privileged to entertain a few guests these includes some of my colleagues at work and my students. It was indeed a pleasing beginning.

My Teaching Career

In the year 2023, I was still a class teacher. I thought in Dyege Memorial College, a secondary school located in Makurdi Town. School reopened on the 9th of January. However I resumed on the 10th. This was due to some circumstances beyond my immediate control. I will brief you of the circumstance later in this article. So keep reading 😃.

I the course oc year 2023, I was able to impact knowledge into my students. I was opportune to take them in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics. I felt fulfilled because I was able to contribute my quota to the development of humanity.

My birthday 🎂
During my stay in Dyege Memorial College in year 2023, my birthday happened to fall on a Friday which was a school day and I was pleased and delighted to celebrate it with my colleagues and students. It was on 24th day of March. My students were overwhelmed with joy as I was too. They showered me with prayers and some gifts.

I encouraged them that aside worshiping God their Creator, they should always put their studies first at this stage of their life. I encouraged them by giving each and everyone of them a biro as can be seen in the photos below. It was indeed a memorable day.

My Trip to the Village

I believe you're still curious to know why I resumed on the first day the school reopened after the new year as mentioned above. Here's an answer to that.
Immediately after the New year celebration, I took off to the village with my Mom, elder brother and little cousin. We went to harvest our crops. We planted water yam, yam and cassava. I spent only a week in the village because of resumption was on 9th. I intend coming back on Monday being 9th so that I will stop by at my work place and check in but I wasn't able to make it as planned. Instead I came back in the morning on 10th being Tuesday. It was indeed a very cold morning and harmattan was at its peak.
My students and colleagues were pleased to see me. They were relieved as well because for some moment they thought maybe I wasn't gonna resume work for the term because it was unlike me.

Service to my Father Land

2023 was also the year I was deployed to serve my father land through the National Youth Service Corps scheme. I printed my call up letter on 15th August 2023. I was deployed to Akwaibom State. It was a new phase of my life entirely because I've never been to Akwaibom State before then. I must say the camp experience was awesome. After my camp, I was posted to my place of primary assignment at University of Uyo, Uyo. Where I'm currently serving as a graduate assistant in the faculty of engineering.
Introduction to Leofinanace.(Inleo)
2023 also happened to be the year I was introduced to Hive network by a friend and mentored by my boss @fokusnow. This was in August. I must say that this served as an eye opener to me concerning whealth creation and I'm eternally grateful to them. The experience here is indeed worthwhile.

The year 2023, was indeed a fruitful and memorable one. Even though I fell sick once, that was malaria and I came back stronger after few days of medication. I thank God for preservation of life. My gratitude also go to you out there my amazing friends on inleo platform. I must say that my induction into the Hive family was one of the best things that happened to me during the year. I feel blesses to be here with you guys. As we've began a new year I believe and hope that this year will be a better year for all Hivers. Let's create whealth together by having each others back. Shalom!!!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The way you spent your 2023 is credible. So you joined your family in harvesting crops? That's powerful!!

So, what steps have you taken to make sure you'll attain to all your 2024 goals?

Yeah, it was great. I joined them.

I intend to avoid procrastination