You're welcome. I know it was a gamble and therefore I waited until only had to buy 5000 mail instead of 10000 :) To reduce the risk as I already assumed the rewards would be much lower than those that were advertising these high rewards until a week ago or so.
What I particularly find disappointing is the low amount of openings while this is supposed to be sent out to "active" members. My other emails were more successful so it seemed. But in the end, it all depends on the rest of the emails that are supposed to get rewarded that day too. If there is nobody else hitting the magic 20 upvotes, I bet the reward is pretty sweet.
I'm just not willing to risk that with paid MAIL tokens, but rather save these up from now on. Nevertheless, I'm still continuing what I'm doing, but failed experiments should be shared as well. Not only the good stuff :)
Thanks for the 1UP :)
You bet! The opening ratio definitely looked off, so who knows what the sweet spot will end up being for how much MAIL to spend per email to get verified.
I can't tell yet :) trial and error I guess hehe