This is a great post!
You are right in that when money is the primary incentive it creates a lot of misalignment. You can make more money on here by creating titles that are "click bait". What makes it worse is that people aren't even clicking the link to read the article. They are reading the headline or even worse just looking at the payout and the time of how long the article has been up, and then clicking the upvote button and just moving on.
Value comes from scarcity and as we are all seeing, the central banks of the world are just printing more and more money and the crypto world is also just digitally printing more money as well. Everybody is stacking chips or staking coins in hopes of getting rich or "going to the moon".
I say that the real scarce things are engagement, friendship, wisdom, and gratitude. I'll "stake" those things. I'll build social and intellectual capital. Those are the real scare resources.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't remember the percentage, but the majority of shares on the internet of articles are by those who have only read the first few lines.
This is how I see it too. They are not only scarce, they are also highly valuable when held, but to hold takes effort that many people no longer have. Perhaps effort itself is a scarce resource these days...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, agreed! Attention, is the effort or scarce resource that is needed to hold onto good friends. "The Attention Economy"
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A lot of people want the attention, but don't understand how an economy works :)