For quite some time Leo has dominated the Hive communities in price and innovation. While no one has rivaled Leo's innovation to date, Proof of Brain has taken off in price. POB is valued at 1.74 Hive at this time while LEO is 0.89 Hive currently.

While POB may have LEO on price, LEO still leads the game in volume with a 24 hour volume of over 10,000 Hive compared to POB coming in just under 4,100 Hive.
As you can see from the charts above, LEO has gone from around 1.4 to almost 0.9 now but traded around 0.60 for a few weeks. POB has steadily traded over 1 Hive after quickly climbing from 0.05.
LEO has proven time and time again no one can innovate on Hive like they can.
LEO was the first to use a custom front-end for a Hive Engine tribe, released MetaMask and Twitter easy onboarding features, anchored their token to ETH to take advantage of ETH momentum, incentivized liquidity pool participating with the LEO Geyser, and more.
So why has POB taken off while LEO has gone down?
I don't know the answer to this, but I can speculate.
LEO has taken off largely due to FOMO and @khaleelkazi's aggressive development and innovation. No one has pushed the boundaries of a Tribe like he has. For a while you couldn't even take a deep breath before another LEO themed product was launched.
So why is Proof of Brain (POB) doing so well?
I think it is a few things, but one specific thing is driving most of the momentum.
The most obvious is the inflation, Proof of Brain (POB) follows the same inflation of Bitcoin, every four year it halves. This is predictable and a successful model that has created a lot of value for Bitcoin.
Scarcity is a powerful emotional trigger that abused by the most successful salesman.
In fact, I have talked to a few of the larger stake holders on POB and they all mention the inflation algorithm being the reason they invested.
Proof of Brain started with 1 token and is only earned through author and curation rewards. There are no mining tokens, there are no other ways to earn POB outside of buying it off the market. There is a 10% beneficiary fee for all posts on POB that is used to fund their own form of a decentralized proposal system.
Some tribes have an inflation of around 6-7% and some almost as high as 25%. All of these tribes tend to reduce their inflation by 1-10% per year in a predictable fashion. Proof of Brain (POB) promises to reduce the inflation by 50% every 4 years.
In 4 years POB can potentially see significant increased demand prior to the first halving driving the price even higher. Four years is a long time, and most people have the attention span of a gnat. Will POB still be as popular as it is today in four years? Only time can answer that question but it likely will need to do some innovating if they want to continue to out price Hive and LEO.
I am a firm believer that no one can tell you the price of anything in the future and I won't pretend to have any clue, anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit.
When LEO started to do well, I have repeatedly said for Hive to do well we need hundreds of LEOs. I still believe this and while there is currently some POB or LEO friction right now, I believe Hive is the constant victor and we are all Hive stake holders.
Full disclosure, I am not a financial consultant and this is merely my opinion and the observation of a casual observer. Before spending any significant amount of money, please consult your mom.

Why you should vote me as witness
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is it known who's behind POB?
Wishing POB all the best, though I think it will be difficult to gain traction outside of Hive. Looking at the rich-list => it's centralized quite a bit (that's not going away + why does the [anon] founder/s have so much?) and the trending page => 90% seems to be about POB itself.
For LEO, I think it will be interesting to see whether they've taken on more than they can chew with social-media, defi & co. Regardless, they're surely the most innovative tribe on Hive and show the most promise to actually attract people outside of Hive (AFAIK they've already done that). What they did should be the baseline for new/existing tribes.
Everyone. 😂
I meant the account that owns 100k POB.
I don't think most do since I've been asked a zillion times, but I do know who it is, but I will respect their privacy unless I saw something that isn't ethical.
This is ultimately what all tribes should be focused on and it is something the entire Hive community has struggled to figure out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I understand, though if you know who it is, that person isn't really anon. Transparency goes a long way.
To be clear: I'm obv. not saying you should reveal who it is, rather it has to come from the person themselves. But that's just my opinion.
I hear you. I can see wanting to do things anonymous for non-nafarious reasons. There are some things I’d want to do and see how well it does without my name behind it.
That being said, tribes are extremely centralized as they are now and trust is a huge factor.
That's exactly why I'm anon. I just dont want to be caught up irl with someone trying to get me fired because they hate my politics. Theres been a few people who were not anon in our group and they got doxxed and ppl tried to get them fired for a petty argument over hockey that turned into someone seeing the other also liked trump.
One never knows the way it will go with how toxic politics are in general and it's also why I deleted Facebook 6 or 7 years ago.
It's weird. When I was on fb I was arguing politics with former high school teachers, saw friends tearing eachother apart. Its insane
I'll take what POB I get get for adding the tag on my posts. That equates to a few bucks per week. I sell some and stake the rest. As with most tokens I'm just seeing how it goes, but I'm not seeing compelling reasons to buy a lot. I know of some people who have so they can self-vote themselves nice extra rewards even if their HIVE rewards are flagged away.
I am thrilled that the secondary tokens on Hive is getting attention and being worth more than Hive itself. This benefits Hive a lot as there can be branches of tokens within the ecosystem. No matter POB will rise further or fall 4 years from now I think it has given more benefits to the Hive ecosystem. We need many more of these tokens to succeed so that Hive Engine can potentially become a hub for trading secondary tokens similar to ETH and somewhat those Defi. I use Hive Engine / Leodex daily and there are so many interesting project to invest in. Thanks !LUV and !PIZZA
$PIZZA@themarkymark! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mawit07.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)
Your comment actually helped me to understand $hive. Thank you
Fucken awesome write up get that fucker some beers!!!
Because supply is low, the price can easily rise. There is also greed because of the possible returns now.
Only the long-term will show which projects will survive ( do well) and which not.
This is the truth. Especially the greed part. Many people are selfish and greedy. was also a promising project.
Left a 13K/Month Job For Making This Real".@elear even "
Yet the Utopian project no longer exists.
Without the 4.5M SP delegation it was unsustainable.
Revenue is the keyword. With RC delegations Investors can delegate Rcs to projects that generate revenue and get a part of it.
This will change everything.
With shorter power-down web3 will boom IMO.
The only thing promising about utopian was the drain on the pool by being favored by stinc.
It'll be interesting to see how it develops I honestly can't see a real 'focus' to the community atm, other than a general dislike of Hive.
And quite a lot of ego.
What do you mean by general dislike of Hive?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As I understand it a fair few POB enthusiasts have been flagged a bit on Hive and are 'escaping' to POB.
Irony needs a level up to describe this strategy.
I wouldnt want to post if i was getting flagged every post, PoB is an alternate to get away from that.
I'm not sure where irony comes in. I see posts that are on front page for 90 bucks for likely plagiarized travel blogs or food stuff, then I see others getting downvoted from 50 bucks to 0ed out because one person hates their politics.
If PoB helps get away from centralized powers controlling rewards then that's a win. Hive gets away from centralized social media, but does have a problem with "the wrong politics" getting downvoted
Yes I can understand the desire to switch to a new community entirely.
The irony is that POB is entirely dependent on Hive, so it's no real escape!
Unless POB switched chains, now THAT would be interesting!
Ahh I see.
I suppose as long as the spirit of hive is alive all 2nd layers are safe in terms of not being banned or deleted.
Having 2nd layer for rewards seems to help solve dving on hive, but the 2nd layer can fall into the same thing
DVing didn't happen on LEO for sure, people just held off - there was kind of a silent consensus on not doing it.
The only way to stop yourself being at the mercy of Whales is to Power Up and seek to make a return through curation, no one can take that away.
I can tell you that the average person on POB ISN'T doing that because my vote value keeps going up and I'm only selling about a third of mine on the way up, which means people in general are failing to 'protect their earnings'.
I realized this too, they found in POB an escape from punitive measures that they were suffering in HIVE.
If the measures that caused them to be punished in HIVE are also measures that the POB community does not agree with, they will be eternal nomads. But if it's a governance problem, I think it will work as a citizen who moves from one country to another because he doesn't agree with a certain type of way of governing.
I may be being naive, but I'm still in the ask-before-shoot policy. (Obviously when the offender doesn't have a weapon, haha)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes. And selfishness and greed. Just like on Hive.
Yup, no difference really! Just more visible because it's a much smaller pond.
POB is bitcoin like, I think there will be more new tribes that follow POB model in the future.
Hey Marky. Do you think the upcoming tribes will follow these tokenomics ( or make the tokens even scarce ) to keep the price up and bring in investors ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see it as an experiment. I also think it is a lightning only strikes once sort of thing. It is unique and not likely to work a second time. Especially as a generic tag.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What's the future of the DUNKsocial tribe?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your post even answered your own question.
Speculation - The fact that it's Bitcoin-style distribution has raised many people's eyes for it.
Demand: With little demand and big whales buying, they make the price go up
New community and still a lot to be explored.
Put it all together and give the result. But in the long run, it's the danger that lives there.
Scarcas can be attractive, but if the tribe doesn't innovate, doesn't bring anything new, absolutely nothing that adds, over time the value will drop. Leo has several updates and jobs. Only, many people's eyes have changed from LEO to POB as it is a place where various subjects can be written without having to be just one subject. The rest is history.
Now let's wait and see. xD
Are you talking about discord chat?
No, there is a proposal system with pob, it is very primitive though. You make a post proposing something and people vote on a comment for yes or no to decide if it should earn some pob to fund it.
I only saw one proposal but it is a pretty simple system.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just wondering why POB doesn't use Archon governance system where every change have to be approved by stakeholders, it works nice on SPORTS. Some post on trending page of POB tribe may suggest that they are against DPoS, some users are calling Hive witnesses Hitlers. I prefer 20 units Hitler (Hive) then 1 unit Hitler (POB), for this reason I stopped buying POB
I'm pretty sure he is joking, at some point.
Getting wiped is hard to deal with, yet he still bothers.
He gets credit from me for that.
I am not sure, I can't speak for POB but for my own token I felt governance events are so rare and a simple post with responses is plenty good enough. There is very little engagement so it's just getting a rough idea of what people think.
I haven't seen this, but I honestly haven't been paying much attention. I think it is kind of funny someone would think that but I am not surprised one bit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We are still in the discussion stage, it may be that in the future we will adopt this alternative or not.
I believe that because it's a very young community, just over 3 months, things still need to be discussed and decided by everyone and not imposed.
I understand your decision to no longer purchase POB, but you can continue to purchase them through posts and comments. It would be great to have you there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In the beginning that was the idea, of voting yes or no, but they took the discussion to discord and they are deciding some things there. It's not all decided yet, but the community is moving in some directions, and that makes me very happy and that's why I'm still there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think POB is great but needs a lot of work. I don't doubt that their value will drop after a while and Leo shall rise again, but in the meantime, I'll just enjoy the dividends.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think the AD burn revenue is also a nice addition to the pob economics,....
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ad revenue is tiny. It takes a lot of traffic to make good money with ads.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
THIS. I like that a deflationary model punishes weak hands in time...
Not sure I agree. There is no guarantee anything will continue to go up just because it is deflationary, in fact odds are largely stacked against it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great overview @themarkymark. I always enjoy reading your posts because they are quite informative. Like I didn't know that there is 10% beneficiary on all PoB posts. Does it include comments too? Can I know which account acts as a beneficiary, and who owns that account?
Moreover, I think PoB has gone famous earlier due to its tokenomics (Inspired from BTC) and unique set of features (Best of LEO & HIVE). But now it's mostly because of its price. Which is totally understandable. Whales, in order to acquire a decent stake, are buying every amount of PoB they can get off the market. This decreases the liquidity, pushes the price upward, and attracts more people to create content with POB tag which is cool. ;)
Btw, I agree with you on this - we need 100 LEO-like projects on Hive for it to succeed in the long term.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You can use my Hive Engine Tools to see that, use the Tribe Config and put in POB.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a ton. It helps!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@themarkymark, you were given LUV from @mawit07. About LUV:
Just wait for POB police to form and then the downhill trend will start.
It'll be their right because it's a tribe with central authority like all of them.
They have formed. I can see the sh*t-show forming.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not sure I got that... Does it mean that after 1 year inflation goes to 0 and in the next years it won't change za 0-100%=0?
Sorry should be 50% (halving)
Is proof of brain a distribution method?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In what way? STEEM and HIVE have exhibited a transfer of wealth upwards.
In that it is a way to distribute tokens and not sell them (illegal unregistered ICO).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Who had the illegal ICO?
Well technically a few, but my point is tokens are distributed through proof of brain not sold. By selling them you can be classified as an unregistered ICO. Hive, Steem, Tribes, all use Proof Of Brain model to avoid being an ICO and potentially even an unregistered security.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Have you received tokens you haven't purchased?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No. I've not received anything I haven't purchased. WTF are you talking about?
Have you received author or curation rewards?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes Mark - I got 20 cents for a post.
It's a community just like LEO, but it doesn't have a specific subject, but focuses on rewarding original content (and the higher the quality, the greater the reward for the obvious).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
POB has some whales that are constantly driving the token's trend in the market.
also it has a strong community, it reminds me a lot of Leofinance, but at the moment it has no products, although it is a very young project.
Bitcoin-like inflation alone cannot be the reason for this success. are we in a bubble? Maybe. Meanwhile, I love the community and I keep doing Power Up 😁
It is, that and the fact it is new and shiny.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for helping me catch up on how POB works. I’m loving the payout but I could t figure out what made it so special. It will be nice to have a platform focused entirely on content if hive ends up moving in a bunch of directions with games and other apps.
As for whether or not POB will stay strong, it depends entirely on how much excitement they continue to generate. I heard they are getting ready to do outreach. This alone got me interested and makes me excited to get more involved there
There is only "one" guy that really driven the price up for LEO earlier , now with POB.
I want to check how POB look when onealfa has it's target bag full.
PS: I still have full faith in LEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great hive tokens doing well. POB has taken everywhere by storm under this short time.
Hope to see POB and other tribes achieving more strides and development in here in months/years to come
I think that POB is already slowing lately, and Leo has a great team behind innovating at every step. In terms of real money, Leo will prevail given enough time, as they underpromise and over-deliver, which is clearly a recipe for success. When the market will be booming, Cub and Leo will rise again.
It is about long term sustenance which only time will prove.
More than that, I think it is more popular because there is a lot of garbage that is getting a lot of votes, instead on leofinance they focus on a single topic, unlike POB that any idiot posts about the unfairness of the votes and paw! $30.
I know POB is having explosive growth, but that giveaway of money to the idiot spammers will cost them dearly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i still prefer bbd, its worth now 2.14$ oh and btcmyk of course lol
I spent more on gas this year than the entire market cap of your coin. You and Lasse are notorious for being the only one buying your token.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lassecash is the shittiest centralized bullshit tribe on Hive. In fact I would call it an illegal unregistered security based on how centralized around you it is.
Who’s buying? No one but you.
Who’s earning rewards? You of course.
Who do you vote for? Yourself of course!
You make shit coins look promising.
Don’t get mad about facts. Embrace them, educatate yourself, do better!
How many freaking times do you have to edit your comments. I get like 10 notifications for every comment you make.