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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - December 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

With that said, for those general purpose tribes that you tagged in this AMA post, what is something you like about each one?

Not much to be honest, I just tag what's relevant. I like to reach as large of an audience as I can. I firmly believe a tribe/community for everyone is a tribe/community for no one.

While one general purpose tribe is fine, a bunch of them just makes no sense to me (just my opinion). It just ends up being about rewards.

I'd love to see thousands of niche communities thriving rather than a general purpose tribe taking people's attention away from actually building a community on specific topics.

Unfortunately, our user base isn't large enough to make this a reality (at least for now). If we had millions of users, I think the attractiveness of niche communities will be much higher.

That being said, if a general purpose community/tribe built a front end that offered an experience no one else offered, I'd be 100% behind that. Our biggest problem right now is onboarding, especially with tribes. I tell people all the time I think the #1 focus of tribes/communities should be onboarding.

I am not "against" general communities, I just feel it is counter productive to what we really want to accompolish.

I started STEMGeeks for the sole reason of increasing the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) content on Hive. It has worked to some degree, but I have found there just isn't enough people interested in this on Hive.

I do support any effort that gives people on Hive something to do, a reason to visit every day, and a place to call home. So while I'd rather see a community with thousands of users talking about singing songs in the shower, I'm all for any community focused projects that keeps people entertained, active, and interested.

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