I previously released a tool that analyzed Hive Engine miners and reported on break-even period based on current price. I updated that tool to now support analyzing curation rewards for Hive Engine tokens.
I also setup a custom url so you can easily access both tools at https://hiveengine.usehive.com. Future Hive Engine tools will be found here as well.
First select Hive Engine Curation from the menu.
Enter your username and token you want to analyze.
And hit run!
Give it a few seconds depending on how much activity there is on your account. Results are cached for one hour, so further requests will be instant but will not reflect updated data in the last hour.
The curation tool will take in account delegation and will report your APY return on curation. This may not reflect what you spent if you receive free delegation.
Both of these services are provided as is without warranty. If they work and help you, awesome. If not, I will try to fix and update as needed if time permits. I'm trying to make a few of my private tools available for others to use.
If you get some weird results after switching back and forth between tools, just refresh the page with Control-F5 and try again.

Why you should vote me as witness
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thankyou as having tools like this make you understand your account more and where you can improve. I will definitely be playing around with this out of curiosity not that I can earn more having so many tribes these days and one main account. Leodex vote multiplier has helped me so much lately and is underrated as to how much value it brings.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
not much but it's an honest work :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very cool! I have been slowly learning the power of curation. I used to get pretty horrible returns no my account, but now I am doing much better than I had been. It is amazing the difference it can make just by tweaking a couple things on auto-vote or changing your manual habits.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you know of any way to guess forward curation on engine tribes(mainly leo)?
You mean curation that will be paid out in the next 7 days?
If so, it can be estimated if someone was so inclined not easily though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup exactly what I mean. Yea I was hoping you'd have more info on that. Any chance you know how to estimate the vote value as well for a particular user(again mainly on LEO)?
I did at one point but would have to dig through the code for it again. You can find it in the nitrous code base.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Full of bugs, that's all you can do, Stupid Mark!
Lol what bug?
Superb. Thats what I'm waiting for so long. Also waiting for H-E (leodex, tribaldex) button to "STAKE ALL TOKENS".
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta