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RE: Are we really on the brink of genocide?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I don’t know but I hope we don’t get to those kind of days. But who knows. I feel that we are in the beginnings of the collapse. Too many things happening. The one thing that people aren’t putting a ton of focus on is the the collapse of religion. We have moved into the age of Aquarius, which is the start of a whole cosmoc shift… follow me here… If you study history and the primary religions of that age, there have been at lease 8 messiah type figures. The latest being Jesus, who hung out with fisherman, did the whole thing with the fish and feeding people, etc… and the fact that we are exiting the age of Pisces, which is the fish sign says there is a whole new age brewing. Just something to think about…

The establishment is coming to an end and the people will prevail but it will be a struggle and a fight, because they will not go out quietly… but neither will I. This is the battle of our times, the 4th turning. What scares me is the push to de-masculte the men in society so you end up with a bunch of people, because you can’t call most of them men anymore, that can’t stand up and defend themselves, well I am not one of those, lol.

So the best thing you can do is prepare yourself for all kind of things. Fuck the lambo, get a van and stock yourself up with food, solar panels, bullets,tools, etc. And learn some freaking skills that do not involve being online. Like learning how to grow food, build things, learn to fight and use a damn firearm, or he’ll even how to just use a knife in a proper manner. I'll throw 3D printing in there... everyone needs one and needs to learn to make any thing you need that you can make with plastic, lol. That is decentralized manufacturing!

Anyway, I could write my own post about it, well guess I just did in a way, lol. Obviously a touchy subject, lol.