Hey friends, loyal followers and community! Have you tried Hive Keychain v3 already? If not, you're missing it out. The beta of the best wallet of the Hive ecosystem is already out and is live on the blokchain. After 1 week of use, I want to comment on what how it looks like to me and which issues I have found in it, shall we begin?

As I said before, Hive Keychain v3 is ready to be tested and you can do it so by following the steps of this thread. Don't forget to keep the previous version installed in case you want to go back and use which you are used to.

To enter and start using it you need to set up a password, you can use the above used in the version number two. Remember to be agreed with the terms of service and the privacy policy before proceed.

Then you are going to import the keys you exported before choosing the file from your device and you are done. Every account used and managed by you you will be able to use it here too. This version looks cleaner than other, maybe it is for its frontend which gives it that peace sensation and renewal feeling.

We are able to see our Hive, HBD and HP amounts independentely besides the delegation amount of Hive Power within. Wine red and black gray colors highlight themselves between the app contrasting the white background of it.

One of the things I liked the most of it is that we have a view to different dapps of the ecosystem, categorized in social, gaming, NFT, tools and DeFi, from where we can see the most used apps according to each one and access rapidly.

Something that I also liked is the possibility of autocomplete the username when sending money to an address that we have in our wallet, but, I esteem for the possibility of seeing the thumbnail of each account too for an easy visual access. Sending any currency works perfectly both with Hive and HBD.

It would be a little bit more attractive if we could see the accounts' usernames with its respective profile pictures, I mean, it could be a non-functional requirement. And I also think that two or three more animations would be OK too to engage more with the users when they use it.

I tried almost everything, from sending, receiving, swaping, changing the slippage, delegating and saving. everything that I used works well. The only issue that I've found is that SWAP.USDT doesn't shows correctly, and I also think that the team should specify which blockchain it comes from, though, crypto-enthusiasts would be able to guess it, others not. My suggestion.

The beta 3 is a pretty (in design) comfortable and fast app to send and store our money, save it and swapping it in an easy way. There is a dark mode too that help with the sight in case the white background doesn't adapt to our needs. I can't wait to see it in alpha, or also integrated within the EVM. I hope this article review help you to know more about it and if you are part of the developer team can know my opinion. What are your thoughts?
Screenshots to Hive Keychain v3 Beta