
Well the difference with respect to India is , we got a break after the first wave and people became very ignorant. Now many just don't care , well let them die if they wish but they are hurting their family members and putting others in danger too.

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And it is something that not only happens there, here people are as if nothing comes on a weekend and you go to the shopping centers and they are at their highest capacity and now they increased the time of the curfew so that the discos and bars can have clients longer, sometimes I doubt human reasoning and its ability to preserve not only its environment but even its own existence, and in this I include myself because surely at some point I have gotten carried away and in a certain way I have breached some basic rules to follow!

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Yea people don't really care....

The stupid mayor of the city I live in declared a whole week of holidays because the moron thought it would but an incentive for people to stay safe but obviously everyone decided to go to the beach and stuff like that so it had the opposite effect...

Politicians, man... how stupid can they be

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To be a politician you only need to be skillful and an idiot, since one will need it to be able to lie at all times and another to carry out and execute actions that will mostly bring collateral damage either in the short or medium term!

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Yeah.. I'm getting tired of them. We think the next guy is gonna try and do things differently but it's just the same old story.

Different person, different party but the same old bullshit

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the main goal of the politician will always be to keep you as ignorant as possible, even if you think elephants fly for them is better. that is why once education in the public sector is a disaster, the health system does not turn to see it because they and their close environment use paid health systems, there should be a law that forces these idiots to use all public services together with his family, in this way they will experience firsthand what happens down here! It would be interesting and now that I mention the bottom thing to remember that proverb that says that "when those below move, those above tremble"

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Personally I think, to be a top one, you need to be a psychopath, lacking in human emotions such as empathy. These people are truly evil, many of them.

And they know damn well what they are doing yet still do it in spite of killing many people.

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In fact, and it makes me think that it has its own scale to measure the ego depending on who infuses the most damage to a nation, the funny thing about all this is that as soon as his time in power is fulfilled and the other psychopath arrives, the tendency will always be blaming the person who has just left office, then that is where the question arises, why so much impunity reigns? go they are accomplices!

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Oh yeah. They certainly have some type of mental disorder that stops them from taking responsibility for anything. No matter what happens, it is always the fault of someone else.

That has to be some type of disorder.

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Rofl , I know right . They just want to show that they are doing "something" to control the crisis , is it efficient and will it work ? They don't care , they just need to do that "something" .

People too are stupid if you ask me . I get angry if people don't wear mask and defend themselves saying it's their wish in a public office ( this happened to me last week )

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The mass population is equally as dumb, you are right about that. There is no getting around the mob mentality.

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I agree. There are now laws enforced which restricts a gathering of more than 4 people but nobody checks that.

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They just want to show that they are doing "something" to control the crisis , is it efficient and will it work ? They don't care , they just need to do that "something" .

You hit the nail on the head here. The idiot in the situation I related did just that. It's obvious that he himself knew that it wasn't going to work, but he wanted to be able to speak to the press and say "We are doing everything possible to stop this! Keep on trusting me and we'll get out of this together". Just the usual politician bs

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By the time we get out of this , I don't know how many would have lost their loved ones.

We can't just keep on depending on these stupid politicians to handle such a complex crisis , they don't know what to do , most of them here are illiterates too .

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Politicians, man... how stupid can they be

There is no limit to this and it appears to be universal. It doesnt matter the country or the type of government, stupidity reigns supreme.

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