Playing Eve Online 01- Trying out 3speaks

in LeoFinance6 months ago (edited)

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

This is the first time that I'm trying #3speaks. And I already screwed up midway... Uploaded to the wrong community, then deleted the post thinking it wasn't published yet, and it was... Uploading it again to make it work in both.

Sorry for the double post, just trying this thing out.

This is a recording of me playing Eve Online and almost "F"ing up everything.
Basically, there is a new event happening, and I thought "It must not be that hard", well, it was... I warped in and I got hit with every debuff around, I wasn't able to warp out for the majority of the time because they hit me with a warp inhibittor, my energy drained really fast, and my drones got killed almost instantly.

For those that don't know, when you get killed in this game you lose a bunch of stuff. You lose your really expensive ship, your cargo, your character loses some progress because you get respawned in a clone, sometimes really far away from the place you are at...

I was around 5-10seconds away from losing days of farming because my ship was down to it's last HP.

It doesn't have any commentary because I still need to make my mic work with OBS.

The new game by CCP is supposed to be similar to this one, so I'm going to keep playing.

Not sure if I'll do more videos or not, I'm still trying to figure out how 3speaks, inleo and everything completes each other.


MacMini with a M1 that I bought for $300 to a friend.

▶️ 3Speak


Damn, think I screwed up this 😅 got re upload it somehow

the video is not working for me, but im glad to see you are still alive dood

Yeah, I screwed it up by deleting it 😅 going to post it again to make it work somehow.

It's been a long time, Im Alive and well, just to busy with life working and everything.

How you been?

all good, still kickin and trying to make life as good as it can be

Ok, now it's working 😅.

Had to re-upload it...