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RE: LeoThread 2023-11-26 03:25

in LeoFinance10 months ago

Tomorrow I'm going to play for the first time the Cashflow game by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, with some friends!

Wish me luck in getting out of the rat race!

#leofinance #mydiary


have that game and the cash flow for kids version too.

The game was hard to start, it is a very complex game, but it's really fun!

Is the kids version easier?

I've heard there is an expansion to the games, a cashflow 202

It takes forever at first. Once you get the hang of it, you can get out of the rat race quickly.

Yeah, we played for a few hours but none of us was able to get out of the rat race.

I had a bunch of bad luck and lost a bunch of money so I ended up being an intermediary for deals, where I got deals and sold to the rich guy in the group.

Our first time we played for eight hours. When we first played with our children, our son beat us in for hours. Now we can play and get out within 2 hours.

  • become familiar with market prices to buy low and sell high
  • don’t worry about paying off debt too early, only when you’re closer to getting out of the rat race
  • borrow if needed to buy property, just not too much

I ended up twice on the "downsize" space in less than 1 hour. I really had bad luck, when I finally was able to get some money, bought a really good business from another player, and bought stocks cheap and sold them high.

BTW, do you know if the 2020 cashflow edition that they are selling in the rich dad poor dad store comes with the 202 expansion?

They need more info in the store honestly, it's lacking a bit...

No, don't think so. We have never used advanced trading strategies. You would have to order separately.