The harderst part is getting the first $100k, after that it becomes increasingly easier.
I could have been at 50% if I had sold the top. F me!
- 10k a year
- 7%/yr return
The harderst part is getting the first $100k, after that it becomes increasingly easier.
I could have been at 50% if I had sold the top. F me!
Somehow the CAT got this backwards. I got threw the early levels faster than average and some of these later levels are taking me waaaaaay longer.
Maybe it's because, just like me, you took big risky bets early on because you had nothing to lose, the risky bets turned out to be great bets and you smashed those early levels fast. While right now, you probably prefer safer bets 🤷♂️
This is true
The faster you get it, the faster you lose it is also important. Building brick by brick is much better than suddenly getting rich