Different cultures are fascinating.
Look how bright this Indian wedding is that @sanjeevm shared with us in #silverbloggers
Truly a Bollywood movie in the making!
Different cultures are fascinating.
Look how bright this Indian wedding is that @sanjeevm shared with us in #silverbloggers
Truly a Bollywood movie in the making!
Thank you a lot for sharing here.
Hey man, great to see you on Threads! Let me know if you need a tour guide!
Have you tried sending a Thread directly from the home page?
I did try to post in the very beginning.
The interface has changed a lot, it is now very intuitive and simple to use, have you tried it recently?
Just tried, the UI looks good.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Help me understand , threads are more for finance related posts, right ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Threads are for every kind of topic: Memes, pictures, thoughts, polls, rants, finance... everything, but on short form (240 characters).
The Finance part is for long form posts (normal posts), but you can post anything about everything on Threads!
Got it, micro-blogging, monetization should not matter to those who post often I guess ?