What's your opinion regarding Saving or investing? Do you prefer to keep savings or to invest your money in different markets?
I am going to share my opinion regarding saving and investing. Lets first define both of these words. Saving is something where you save your money which gives you fixed income every month.
There is no capital gain in when you put your money in saving. Rather inflation will devalue your money which you kept on saving.
Investment is something where you invest your money in different markets which you get profit in return. Investing is some how risky because you capital is not secure.
There is chance of profit and loss. Also there is no fix income on monthly basis but a variable profit every month.
Also there is a chance that your capital amount will either be reduced or you will gain capital gain. This will depend on the investors depending on their investment.
I will surely prefer investment and the main reason is its capital gain. No pain no gain. There is risk involved but if you do proper investment you will surely get huge profit.
Also investing your money will protect its value from inflation and will keep its original value alive.
What are your thoughts?
I think both have their purposes, but you can never build substantial wealth by just saving.
I have some money in savings as emergency funds and the rest goes to investments 🦁🚀