The Numbers Are In: Getting Paid For Engagement

There are many initiatives taking place by different people on Leofinance trying to raise the level of engagement.

Quite frankly, it is pathetic that we have near 1,000 people using the Leofinance front end on a monthly basis and we CANNOT get to 10,000 comments in a week. That is a grand total of 10 comments per week, on average, per person. Considering that there are some who are doing a lot more than that, it shows that much of the Leofinance "community" is not engaging at all.

One area that engagement is taking off is @leomarkettalk. This is a "room" that is set up each to allow interaction between different users. It is just utilizing the comment section in a way that has back and forth inteaction.

We also are an area that allows for short-form content. In this manner, we are focusing upon some Reddit-type activity where people can post links, memes, videos, and photos as a top line comment. Others can then comment, thus starting an engagement string.

Being a part of Web 3.0, there are rewards available. Since this is all utilizing the comment section, short-form content is not breaking from the main basis of A lot of what we see posted at the blog level really belongs down in the comments.

That said, the rewards are flowing in @leomarkettalk. We have the tabulations and people who chose to focus there attention there are doing very well.

These numbers were compiled by @amr008, so special thanks for pulling them.

The dates run were from March 25th-April 24th. The reason for this is the 7 day payout window which affects the weekly numbers. Either way, we can get a solid idea of how much is happening and how profitable this can be.


  • For that 30 day time period, there were 11,433 comments made in the "rooms".

It is important to note that, for the calendar month of April, there were 13,800 and for the first week of May, we are over 5,000, putting up a pace that will be near 20K for the month.

Keep in mind that all of Leofinance, using the front end, can only do about 9,500 per week and this week is going to be near 5K out of there alone.

  • Of the comments made, 2,465 got author rewards.

That means 21.6% of all comments were upvoted.


This is going to be very straight forward.

During the time period analyzed there were:

  • 697.732 LEO paid out

This equated to an amount of:

  • 0.283 LEO per comment upvoted.

Looking at it another way:

  • 0.061 LEO was the average pay for each comment made during the period.

So each time someone left a comment, it was worth, on average, .061 LEO.


This is something that few people too advantage of. In total, for the time period, there were 69 users. With a payout of more than 690 LEO, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that is more than 10 LEO, on average, per user.

Of course, it was not spread evenly. Some were more active and, thus, more rewarded. Here is a chart of who the top earners were.

There it is folks. The numbers tell the story.

Is anyone getting rich off this? No. But when people complain they cannot get any attention on Leofinance and nobody sees their posts, here is an alternative. This is a very small group and it is consistently supported for their efforts to engage.

There is another factor here: these individuals are also the ones who leave the most comments outside of @leomarkettalk. If you look at any comment section, you will see many of these same names.

So what is the deal? Why can these people do it to this degree and others can't even make a token effort? We are supposed to be a community yet it appears there is very little of that. Sure many are writing posts that get upvoted and take in a load of LEO. But that is all they are doing.

Comments increase engagement which help with retention. If we can up the retention rate, this will only have a positive impact upon the entire platorm.

This is not rocket science.

Many complain they are not long form creators. Fine. Leaving comments does not require one to be an award winning author. It simply requires being applicable, meaning something that is relevant to the article or conversation.

What we are discussing here is being value to Leofinance. Putting up a post of a few words with a picture is not bringing value. That is garbage posting, something that will not help Leofinance.

Commenting is a great way to bring value, whether it is done in the Leomarkettalk room or, more importantly, in the comment section of people's posts.

There are rewards being handed out so people are benefiting from this approach.

Simply put, there is every reason to comment. The benefits are too numerous not to.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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@leomarkettalk is indeed a great initiative and its helping to bring more engagement to the place. Not every comment is meaningful but still, I can see some cool and valuable discussions happening every day. thanks to you for your amazing contribution.

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No not every comment is meaningful especially since there is no main blog post it is tied to. People engage in manners they see if. This is how the "conversations" do form in there.

In these comment sections, they can happen sometimes but the topic is based upon the article so it is a different form of interaction.

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Not only do valued comments make some Leo along with hive etc. But they also do the following.

  1. Give the entire site a new vibe in terms of interaction and something others will look at and want to be a part of.

  2. Exposure for yourself for when you write your own articles. By leaving a valuable comment you can be for sure that I will take a look at your profile and check out any recent posts you have made. This is often times how I find under valued members on Leo and Hive and drop them support. By showing you value my content and you spend the time to read it, vote it and comment it means you yourself are invested in the success of Leo.

  3. It can spark new ideas, partnerships and new development as ideas get thrown around. I firmly believe in not getting mad at people based on opinions. We are all human, make mistakes and don't always have the best idea ourselves. By being understanding and seeing others views we can paint a better more clear picture and path forward.

True, there is nothing but it advantages actually. The only disadvantage or cost it has for the one commenting is a little time and effort...

I agree. There is time and effort required. But isnt that true for achieving success in anything?

Look at the time that people put into Twitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed! Sad to see so many people who are stuck in life, and hear them complain, while if they would put the effort they put in stupid things, in to productive things instead, their whole life would be different.

4/ This encourages the author to continue posting, especially if they are new to the platform.
I love to drop a little welcome comment on every introduction post that I cross. I feel like newcomers need some interaction, to feel like this place is actually true, and that real people are engaging with their content.

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A great point and addition to the list.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good point, I enjoy meeting new people. Seeing their viewpoints on things and how they add value to what I just wrote about.

Give the entire site a new vibe in terms of interaction and something others will look at and want to be a part of.

This is vital. I think it sums it up. It is the ideal reason for everyone to comment. We see too many who do not want to partake yet they want the value of their tokens to rise. This is one way that it can happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope to see more people in the @leomarkettalk chat. Not only that, we tend to get some very interesting news articles and videos in the chat. It will help people generate ideas for posts.

Also feel free to share any good posts you find. We don't mind seeing them and bring more engagement to all the different posts we see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Also feel free to share any good posts you find.

Just make sure they are not your own.

We are not a place for self promotion.

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I know you lead by example in the engagement category.
They do not know you start from scratch to build where you are.
You speak( write) from experience.
Engagement is the special sauce that keep the community vibrant.
I am reading the post and I can sense the ladder of the needed engagement.
Hope they got the signal to move forward.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Easy to point fingers and post "do as I say (write)". That is empty and meaningless. It has to start with each of us taking the initiative and then pushing others to follow.

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Are the tabulated comments only from those posted on the front end? Or do comments posted from,, or other front ends count?

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That would be a question for @amr008. But I think it may only be the ones from front end. There are a few people who do not use the front-end and most of the top engagers do use it.

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No this particular data contains all comments which earned LEO . If I didn't take those which weren't made from Leofinance frontend , then 25% of comments would have been filtered and hence it wouldn't have given an accurate picture.

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With respect to this particular data , all the comments irrespective of frontend is taken into count to make sure we get the whole picture .

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Have really liked the idea of this initiative. I see myself getting involved a lot more with it in the summer

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We look forward to that.

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I feel super lucky to have the opportunity to be on the "cool kids" list :) thank you for supporting our engagement, it wouldn't have been possible without your tireless efforts

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You are cool. I hope your GF realizes that.

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Thank you :) I think she would say quirky rather than cool :P

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Ah well. Sometimes people cannot see what is right before them.

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I learn a lot from @leomarkettalk, the rewards from engagement are just a bonus.

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Just another reason to get involved in the conversations. There is the opportunity to also learn in addition to earning.

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I bet engagement leagues had helped increase the engagement a lot.
I see people making more comments bit how meaningful they are i am not sure.

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I see people making more comments bit how meaningful they are i am not sure.

There are always going to be the crap comments. Those tend not to be upvoted by me. We still have to add stuff that is applicable to the conversation.

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Most of these comments are just author's ability to converse, talk about what's on ground and have it grow into diverse chain of Communication, LMC is actually raising the bar when it comes to engagements and for the times I've dropped in, it's totally massive.

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I agree. Comments are another form of conversation and should be viewed as such.

This is social media, we need to socialize.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah,LMC. in so many cases has helped to showcase that we can be a traditional social media platform, even hive in general. Cheers.

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I like the @leomarkettalk chat, I have been a bit busy lately so I haven't had a lot of time, but I have been striving to engage with users in the comments and focus on curation more than posting. Makes me feel like I am not putting the effort in, as I want to post daily in each community but its just impossible to do quality work and cover all grounds. LeoFinance and POB are my two favourite communities right now, but I am also exploring others, and I want to make sure I am composing quality content. As a result, here I am replying to your post because you make some great points.

Once I get caught up on things, I will definitely be back in the leomarkettalk chat and engage a bit more. Keep up the great work, I will be here reading and curating great content, and going live soon when I have more to say! !PIZZA

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We all get busy at times. This is natural. The thing is to keep doing what each of us can.

Some will fade away temporarily as life takes over for a spell. That is why we need others to be participating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now I feel guilty for not commenting enough.

The engagement has always been an issue because the Hive ecosystem has often been sold as a 'getting rewarded for creating content' system (less since HF23, but still to a certain extend). Meaning: A lot of creators, not enough consumers. A lot of investors, not enough interaction. The communities that get the most engagement are either groups with a clear in-crowd or a strong engagement incentive. Often, it hasn't been natural engagement.

Like @josediccus says, the author's ability to create engagement is important. As is the topic (some Leofinance posts are too technical for me). And while I understand the disappointment, I remember 2 years ago that a lot of people got upset because would write their heart out, to see their post get hundreds of automatic upvotes, but zero engagement.

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Things have changed in a couple years to start. Secondly, there is no need to focus upon the Hive level, exclusively, anymore. We have many communities forming. But what the hell is a community without engagement? Is it even a community?

The fact is, for years, I read a ton of posts/comments about how the whales, big accounts, developers, or whomever is not engaging. Yet, during that time, the ones who were saying that did little themselves.

It all starts with the person in the mirror that we see each day. If we are not commenting, how can we expect others to do so?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agree on looking in the mirror. That was also the reason I feel guilty for not engaging more.

Also agree that things have changed, the ecosystem and the people are a lot better now. I think people who only take and don't give back get exposed (or even forgotten) easier now.

But, I also think engagement will get better once the platform and even the communities mature. I think I might have an idea why the engagement is somewhat low/limited. However, for now, it's an opinion. I'm going to try an experiment and get back to you on this topic in 30 days.

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Great things started to happen once I became more engaged with the community by participating on Leo Market Talk.

In the first place, I started earning some substantial rewards, which is always great, but there was a lot more than that. LMT is a real trove of knowledge and I can't even begin to number all the stuff I learned there.

It's been great to be a part of this community and I hope to see it growing even more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 56 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!

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But when people complain they cannot get any attention on Leofinance and nobody sees their posts, here is an alternative.

True. I learned that the hard way. It's been a while since I hit that explore button and check on new users and their posts, but I guess it would be the time to get back to some proper engagement. I've been a bit lazy lately, I admit it...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Those numbers are very good and well deserved. The best place to grow your following and to gain support is through comments and I wish more would understand this. Unfortunately over the last few months time is my enemy otherwise I would be amongst everyone in there as it is fun.

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I love engagmenet and my name should pop up across a lot of different posts during the week but a lot of the time I just skim articles too.
There was nothing in there to start a conversation so that is also a place that we can focus. Content that is more topical and looks for replies.

My post that always got the most feedback was my monthly goals post as people loved to see the breakdown and ask questions about different parts of the month.

If I see a post about bitcoin mooning it doesn't have the same effect. Your content gets a lot of replies as it is interesting and sparks debate. That is a good place to be and your engagement has just compounded that.

Comments are such a low effort way to earn some extra tokens, you'd think people would be jumping all over them. No research or editing necessary really, just write a line or two of your thoughts. If only there were a Leo front end that focused on short form content, maybe more people would engage. Wen Project Blank? Haven't heard much about it recently.

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We all can kick it up a bit. To make this place thrive it is going to take all of us.

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