
I'm getting to enjoy Hive each day breaking with these new additions which give us more passive earning options.

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Passive and active income opportunities. With each new tribe there is the potential to get involved. Of course, for many of us, time becomes an issue.

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And we become wealthier by each passing day. That's already a huge thing happening. With just one decision of joining Hive, every other token joins.

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That is the secret of compounding.

Simply doing the action people do for free on other platforms, we grow our bags. Little by little, that grow adds up to us having more which really shows when prices take off.

A couple of tokens being held that moon can make all the difference in the world.

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Simply doing the action people do for free on other platforms, we grow our bags. Little by little, that grow adds up to us having more which really shows when prices take off.

Now with games on Hive, it gets more special. RBN tokens did a 7x movement 2 days ago and that means many became rich.

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How do you sell RBN though ? It is not on HE right? Does it have it's own exchange or something?

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Here is the internal exchange for RBN - HIVE conversion.

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Yes that is what is happening. A lot of oppoertunities which will change the tide of Hive.

I was fortunate enough to experience it with LEO and am glad others are enjoying a similar experience elsewhere.

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I was fortunate enough to experience it with LEO and am glad others are enjoying a similar experience elsewhere.

I had a taste of LEO too and some few other tokens at the very beginning.

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I didn't see that, I need to be aware of the market there.

I know it is good to save RBN for cases like these when we can exchange for many HIVE.

I always looked at the RBN price well below and didn't know it had gone up so much.

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True, so time is scarce and you can't take advantage of all the opportunities that Hive provides us.

At least others will benefit.

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Do you use CTP on your tags? You can do it. Jon has stated multiple times that as long as it is not Actifit posts you can use CTP tag..
It pays 60% author rewards.

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No I dont but I should.

For some reason I always forget. I even do videos for him to help that tribe along.

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Yeah I have come across those videos that's the reason I asked you .

You have some 1621 CTP on your main account.

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Yeah I bought some a while back. Didnt get buying early enough.

If I was smart I would have loaded up on 10K of it.

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Hehe I agree . I bought very few , currently have around 1.5K , 80% of them are earned through posts and curation. If you aren't curating feel free to delegate , I will give back curation rewards every week to you on Sunday.

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Yeah I am going to have to remember to add to CTP to my tag.

For some reason I totally overlook it.

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@taskmaster4450le well you are a smart man sir,i only feel you never knew that was how the future would be like,it is a mistake that anyone could have make,that do not mean you were not i get your point...

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Sometimes we learn from mistakes or opportunities that we don't take advantage of, the important thing is to do things differently from now on.

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