
I believe there are two fronts of transformation: sources and distribution.

When it comes to sources I believe we'll continue to shift away from fossil fuel (although it will take some time to get rid of it completely) towards "green sources" such as solar, wind and nuclear. Natural Gas will aid the transition so maybe there will be an increase on that source before it decreases again. Some people say that hydrogen will get in the mix but I must admit I don't know much of what's going in that line of research. I also believe that biomass can make a comeback, even though it's been somewhat forgotten recently.

On the distribution front I believe decentralization is going to become a reality. Instead of huge, centralized power grids, we'll start to see smaller and more distributed ones.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very interesting viewpoints. Thanks for sharing them.

That mirrors some of what I uncovered. I, too, really dont know about hydrogen but it seems more are hyping it. This is nothing uncommon in the tech world so it isnt new to me. It is difficult to know what is really making progress and what is hype.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta