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Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline: The Wall Street Journal’s Revelatory Piece

The recent article by The Wall Street Journal has sparked considerable discussion regarding President Joe Biden's cognitive health, bringing to the forefront concerns many had already sensed. The reporting has forced supporters of the Biden administration into defensive modes, as it exposes the lengths to which his inner circle went to manage the image and limitations of an aging leader throughout his presidency.

Jill Biden’s Momentum During the 2020 Primaries

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The article began with a flashback to the 2020 presidential campaigns, noting that Jill Biden campaigned across Iowa more extensively than her husband, Joe Biden. This set a confusing tone, as her energetic schedule seemed to contrast starkly with his more measured campaign strategy. Such comparisons didn’t sit well with Biden's team, which actively discouraged highlighting Jill's robust campaigning efforts for fear it exposed Joe’s limitations.

Constructing Boundaries Around Biden

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Amid the pandemic, Biden’s campaign took shape in an atypical manner, with his aides implementing a structure around him designed to mitigate his perceived deficiencies. Meetings were closely managed, limiting the president’s interactions with influential Democrats and key advisors. This proved to be a recurring theme: as a “diminished leader,” Biden required an intricate protective network from both the public and political interactions, often resulting in a president who seemed isolated and estranged from key events and decisions.

Inside the White House

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The Journal’s piece revealed that Biden’s aides created an echo chamber, guiding whom he spoke to and what information reached him. Senior aides even advised press staff against presenting him with unfavorable news coverage. This preferential filtering was seen not only as a method to protect Biden’s image but also to shield the administration from public scrutiny when he struggled to articulate his thoughts or complete sentences, particularly during live broadcasts.

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The protective measures culminated in a structured anxiety for aides and advisors, as they struggled to communicate the obvious: Biden was increasingly unfit for office. Various comments exposed the internal pressures—advisors were referred to as "gatekeepers," cloistering the president, which fundamentally limited his access to contrasting viewpoints.

The June Debate: A Turning Point

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A pivotal moment came during Biden's performance in a June 27 debate against Donald Trump. Here, his mental acuity and ability to communicate effectively were spotlighted, leading many observers, including Democratic insiders, to question his viability as a candidate. Internal polling suggested that Biden's position was weaker than publicly reported, illustrating the extent of miscommunication and the protective shield crafted around him.

Backlash from Party Insiders

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In the wake of the article’s revelations, Democratic insiders voiced their dissatisfaction over Biden's mental fitness to lead. Lindy Lee, a notable figure in the party, openly criticized Biden’s inability to perform the duties required of a president, further fueling discussions that had long simmered beneath the surface. The consensus became clearer: those in elite and influential circles recognized there was an urgent need to address Biden’s incapacity but hesitated until it was almost too late.

Retrospective from the Media

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Media figures have found themselves facing uncomfortable revelations about their previous coverage of Biden's condition. Many journalists have offered apologies for downplaying signs of decline, admitting they should have pushed harder for more transparency. However, the acknowledgment comes with a stark realization of the intricate relationship between political access and journalistic integrity. Their dependency on the political establishment for access led to a failure to report on Biden's capacity accurately.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Crisis Control

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Ultimately, The Wall Street Journal’s article stands as a stark reminder of how the political machinery often prioritizes image over honesty, especially in the face of a president unable to fulfill the demands of his office. The article highlights how Biden’s presidency has been carefully crafted and how the Democratic establishment’s focus on ousting Bernie Sanders created a scenario where they felt compelled to perpetuate a façade around his candidacy. A combination of internal pressure, ageism, and a desire for power led to a situation where both Biden and the political elite might have opted for a party line that emphasized support over scrutiny, eventually culminating in an electoral predicament that remains to be resolved. As Biden’s reelection campaign gains momentum, one can’t help but ponder what lies ahead when the façade finally crumbles.