Technology terms:
Application programming interface (API): API is software that allows computers or applications to communicate with each other.
Application: An application is software that completes a task, whether for a user or another application, based on a given set of rules.
Attribute: An attribute is a specification that provides extra information about an element.
Back end: The back end is the server side of an application that provides functionality and is inaccessible to users.
Bug: A bug is a coding error that interferes with a website's or an application’s normal operation.
DevOps: DevOps is a series of practices and tools that blend software development and IT operations to improve time-to-market for software.
Framework: A framework is a program, code library or another component for developing software applications.
Front end: The front end is the user side of an application that displays information and allows users to interact with the program.
Library: A library is a collection of pre-written code that programmers often use to save time during development.
Object-oriented programming (OOP): OOP is a programming model that categorizes software design by data (objects) instead of procedures.
Software: Software is a computer's operating instructions that tell it how to function.
Text editor: A text editor is a program for writing plain text for coding.
Version control: Version control is a program that tracks code or file changes to a website or app, allowing users to restore earlier versions.
Web server: A web server is a computer that stores and delivers web pages.