For DAO Token holders
How It Works
Creators have 1 week to fundraise the desired SOL amount. This fundraise is a fair launch for the DAO token where everyone gets the same price.Trading (Fundraise successful)
Once fundraise is over, creators take charge of the SOL to invest on their favorite Solana protocols, and the token goes public on a virtual AMM. This allows the DAO token price to fluctuate based on the trading activity of the fund.
This curve has un-capped upside but its downside is capped to the market cap of the fundraise. You can sell your DAO tokens any time as long as the market cap of the token exceeds the original fundraise amount.
- Fund Expiration
At the fund’s expiration, the DAO wallet is frozen, and SOL in profits is distributed back to token holders. You can burn your DAO tokens to redeem the DAO’s underlying assets, or simply sell it on the curve (if its market cap is above fundraise amount).