
In a recent video, Y Combinator (YC) partners Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel discuss their optimistic outlook on the future, despite being immersed in an environment where startup failures are commonplace. As early-stage investors, they witness numerous startups faltering daily and are well-acquainted with the challenges of building successful companies. However, their perspective on technological progress and societal advancement remains overwhelmingly positive.

The Importance of Perspective

Caldwell and Seibel emphasize that maintaining a broad, historical perspective is crucial to recognizing the tremendous progress that has occurred in recent decades. They argue that young people's pessimism about the future is misplaced, largely due to the constant barrage of negative news, especially surrounding technology.

To illustrate their point, they compare various aspects of life today to the 1990s, highlighting significant improvements:

  1. Information Access: From CD-ROM encyclopedias to the vast, free resources available online today, including YouTube's extensive video library.

  2. Communications: The Evolution from single landlines to multiple free messaging and calling apps, enabling global communication at no cost.

  1. Transportation: The advent of ride-sharing services, GPS navigation, and the increasing prevalence of self-driving technology.

  2. Healthcare: Increased life expectancy, improved infant mortality rates, and better overall quality of life globally.

  3. Entertainment: The availability of virtually aLL human creative content at one's fingertips, often for free.

  1. Renewable energy: The transition of solar power from a futuristic concept to an economically viable and widely adopted energy source.

  2. Space Technology: Dramatic reductions in the cost of putting objects into orbit, opening up new possibilities for space exploration and utilization.

Reasons for Pessimism

Despite these advancements, the partners acknowledge several factors contributing to widespread pessimism:

  1. Lack of Perspective: It's challenging to recognize progress when immersed in day-to-day life and constant news cycles.

  2. Polarization: Technological advancements often become entangled in political and tribal debates, obscuring their overall positive impact.

  1. Unrealistic Expectations: The desire for progress without any downsides is unrealistic and childish, failing to acknowledge necessary trade-offs.

  2. Inconsistent Pacing: Innovation occurs unevenly across different sectors, leading to frustration when certain areas lag behind.

  3. Problem Fixation: The tendency to focus on unsolved problems rather than celebrating achievements can lead to a negative outlook.

The Importance of Optimism

Caldwell and Seibel argue that optimism is not just a feel-good attitude but a crucial driver of progress. They point out that history's great changemakers and social critics were fundamentally optimistic, believing that their efforts could make a difference. This optimism fueled their willingness to invest time and energy into solving problems and driving change.

Looking to the Future

The partners express excitement about the world their children will inherit, anticipating further advancements in areas like transportation (e.g., the possibility of reaching Tokyo in 45 minutes) and space technology. They encourage viewers to embrace optimism as a tool for creating positive change and warn against the allure of cynicism and inaction.


While acknowledging the very real challenges and failures they encounter in their work with startups, Caldwell and Seibel maintain a decidedly optimistic view of the future. They argue that by maintaining perspective, recognizing progress, and embracing an optimistic outlook, individuals can contribute to creating a better future. Their message serves as a counterpoint to prevailing pessimism and encourages engagement with the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.