
lol I believe so, see, it's not a toy, not 3 children to take care of 😂

Yep. 😅😁

Task, here in Brazil, inflation is destroying the economy and our currency doesn't have much purchasing power.

This current government is destroying the country. The curious thing is that today I saw again how the last election turned out, just 2 million votes gave victory to this communist government.

Many voted null and also did not vote, so these people are to blame for this. Diapers aren't cheap here. LOL

Have to get your holding into USD denomination. HBD helps with that

True, to give you an idea, 1 dollar is worth R$5.43.

Remembering that the "R" is not in ruble but in real. 😁

yep. Look at how is went down against USD.. Like 8% in a month. That is like a 8% Gain on your USD holdings like HBD

Well, while abroad you would be at a disadvantage, here on the platform you would benefit. I'll have to do this as soon as possible.

First is to stabilize myself financially. I have bills to pay. But little by little I will start leaving some HBD in savings.

have to get your holding out of your local currency and into USD. HBD helps with that

Good idea, I've even talked to my wife about it. I've been trying to increase my activity here because I intend to use some of the HBD I receive to help my family.

A Brazilian here at Hive developed a website that makes this exchange both internally and externally and this is helping me take a little from here and transform it into local money to buy what I need.

When things improve, I will start leaving HBD in savings. This will help me in the future.

It does help to get your holding into USD.. That way if the rial crashes against USD you get more on conversion holding purchasing

That's the plan, you're right.

Now for me I'm going to start doing that. Thanks for the golden tip.

HBD gives people access to a digital dollar something most cannot get. This is a way of storing value against your currency

And even with this period of decline, HBD manages to resist fortunately.

Without a doubt it is a great alternative to both fiat currency and crypto, HBD is an excellent alternative to withstand these times