
Thank you. Yes we can do that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It should be the baseline when you think about it.

With all the people we have on chain, a few who are obsessed with commenting (no names mentioned), we can see it happen.

Should be no problem if everyone looks to increase their activity by, say, 25%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There should definitely be a baseline.

Actually, it is not important for me whether to pass someone or not. The important thing is to improve myself more. We have to read the post to comment on a post or comment, which is a good way to improve ourselves and focus more on things.

When my goal is to be in the first place, I need to focus more. Even if I can't do that, it's a motivation and a good way to improve myself further.

In short, those who increase their activity in LeoFinandece are doing themselves a favor. It is up to them to seize this opportunity.

I've been more active in LeoFinance for 2 weeks now and looking at the difference, this makes me incredibly happy.

  • My knowledge is increasing
  • My friends are increasing
  • My communication is increasing
  • My earnings increase significantly
  • And more...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In short, those who increase their activity in LeoFinandece are doing themselves a favor. It is up to them to seize this opportunity.

This should be pinned to the first page. It is so true.

And I am glad to see your list there and how many different ways you are benefiting.

That is what Leoofinance offers.

People who complain to me about their rewards and not getting attention are met with "go make 500 comments and them come back and see me".

It is the magical secret.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely Leoofinance offers this to everyone and Leoofinance is here for everyone. It's important to realize this.

Rewards are important to encouragement, and many people would love to receive rewards. But this requires effort. Success comes after patience and effort. The Hive community also loves to reward success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The intangibles outweigh the rewards. For example, the education can be worth a ton more.

I missed the RUNE move but the articles were there. That was a major success story on Leofinance. People shared their views and those that jumped in, profited handsomely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is what I always emphasize. Experience and education are invaluable. This is one of the most beautiful parts of the Hive. Many people make an effort to win an reward, and as a result, they both win an reward, as well as learn new things and improve themselves, which is more important in the reward.

I think this is what you want to emphasize in the same way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta