
super true. People are out their trying to build their brand, with predictions.

With some knowledge it can be done within some reasonable ranges. However, even the best are still wrong even if they are right once in a while.

The reality is we cannot predict the future which is why I dont argue with market estimates. They can do anything.

Following trends is a lot easier.

They are a good eye opener to what is. But once you know what it is all about, it’s best to carry your cross and curve your own path.

Funny thing is, even a wrong clock is right twice a day

That is true. Guesses can turn out to be right.

The financial media is good about espousing the right call someone makes for decades, like the man who called the 2008 financial collapse....seriously?

Hahahahah… And what indicators was he on. Finance and media has a bunch of glorified gamblers.

Yeah. Anyone who believes the financial media is foolish.