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RE: Being A Cryptocurrency Trailblazer Is Not Easy

The misconseptions are as a result of those, hoping for quick bite into success for nothing.

Great point. This is something I just wrote about in effect. We need to think long-term and not focus on instant gratification.

It is not easy but makes us stronger as we learn and adapt.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Long term is everything. Sad to see how people are quick to talk about price and not value and potential of what they have invested in...Thank you for the artical

The value comes from the actions we bring on here each day in my opinion. That is how we will grow and attract users.

So far, we are lagging in that area if you ask me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True and the quicker we do this and all begin to approach all this with a growth mindset and quicken voting time on positive and right technologies we stand a chance to compete and beat web 2 thats currently making decisions and wanting to develop quicker