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RE: Hive Development Going Full Force

I saw that comment and took it as a positive. The only think I was disappointed about was that it was Euro and not USD.

But then considering what a pain in the ass the USG is about that stuff, it makes sense. We have a financial regulatory environment that looks like a total mess to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah forget the USD...

I think the best way to solve that problem would be to set up an unregulated P2P exchange where people can choose to meet and exchange cash for hive at their own risk, similar to bitcoin in early days.

Not practical but better than nothing

Well there are still ways around it. Coinbase is what I use for that when I do engage with fiat to crypto which isnt often. So perhaps I am a bad example since I dont do much of it.

That said, I can get into Litecoin and send that to swap for Hive through BT. It isnt the best system in the world but it works.

But for newer people, in Europe, this could really help out when released.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta